ELIEZER J. STERNBERG, M.D., is a resident neurologist at Yale–New Haven Hospital. With a background in neuroscience and philosophy, he studies how brain research can shed light on the mysteries of conscious-ness and decision making. He is the author of Are You a Machine? and My Brain Made Me Do It.
NeuroLogic 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
读到今天已近尾声了,还差两章结束。 遇到我喜欢的书,拖延的习惯又泛滥。以为只要不读到最后一页,就可永远在读它,不用说再见。 其实这书每章都可以拍成独立的一集剧或小电影,像黑镜一样的风格。只不过黑镜大部分成立于现实之外,而这本书里的内容,全都是真是世界上,也许...
评分这本从医朋友推荐的书二月份买,三月份看完,拖延症到现在编写一下书评 作者是医学博士,临床神经学医生的背景的书内容让非常硬核的,比如第一章是讨论知觉,梦的创造,第二章是习惯,自控与自动行为的可能,第六章是论语言,幻觉等等。听着很学术但是每段段讨论都是从案例或者...
评分我们实际上很难在正常人和精神病患者之间划出一条清晰的线(见《你应该了解的40项心理学研究》中罗森汉的研究)。正如无法在男人和女人之间画出一条清晰的线一样(我知道你对这句话有疑问,且看下文)。 任何人都知道黑与白之间没有绝对的界限,总是有灰色地带存在一样。然而,...
评分图书标签: 神经科学 科普 心理学 脑科学 认知神经科学 大脑 neuroscience 英文原版
A groundbreaking investigation of the brain’s hidden logic behind our strangest behaviors, and of how conscious and unconscious systems interact in order to create our experience and preserve our sense of self.
From bizarre dreams and hallucinations to schizophrenia and multiple personalities, the human brain is responsible for a diverse spectrum of strange thoughts and behaviors. When observed from the outside, these phenomena are often written off as being just “crazy,” but what if they were actually planned and logical?
NeuroLogic explores the brain’s internal system of reasoning, from its unconscious depths to conscious decision making, and illuminates how it explains our most outlandish as well as our most stereotyped behaviors. From sleepwalking murderers, contagious yawning, and the brains of sports fans to false memories, subliminal messages, and the secret of ticklishness, Dr. Eliezer Sternberg shows that there are patterns to the way the brain interprets the world—–patterns that fit the brain’s unique logic. Unraveling these patterns and the various ways they can be disturbed will not only alter our view of mental illness and supernatural experience, but will also shed light on the hidden parts of ourselves.
handbook teeming with "abnormal" cortex
评分读起来挺有趣~总结了作者觉得正确的neuroscience研究方向(intertwined conscious & unconscious)中的各个案例及它们涉及到的著名实验。还蛮convincing的。
评分handbook teeming with "abnormal" cortex
NeuroLogic 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书