Wang Zheng is Professor of Women’s Studies and History and Associate Scientist of the Institute for Research on Women and Gender at the University of Michigan.
Finding Women in the State is a provocative hidden history of socialist state feminists maneuvering behind the scenes at the core of the Chinese Communist Party. These women worked to advance gender and class equality in the early People’s Republic and fought to transform sexist norms and practices, all while facing fierce opposition from a male-dominated CCP leadership from the Party Central to the local government. Wang Zheng extends this investigation to the cultural realm, showing how feminists within China’s film industry were working to actively create new cinematic heroines, and how they continued a New Culture anti-patriarchy heritage in socialist film production. This book illuminates not only the different visions of revolutionary transformation but also the dense entanglements among those in the top echelon of the party. Wang discusses the causes for failure of China’s socialist revolution and raises fundamental questions about male dominance in social movements that aim to pursue social justice and equality. This is the first book engendering the PRC high politics and has important theoretical and methodological implications for scholars and students working in gender studies as well China studies.
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圖書標籤: 女性 性彆研究 政治學 性彆政治 王政 曆史 海外中國研究 社會性彆研究
共和國時期社會主義(國傢)女權史的發掘,集中在高層視角和文化精英,後期轉嚮話語分析。婦女工作者為婦女解放和男女平等付齣的努力往往伴隨著與masculine state的衝突與妥協。亮點是對高層政治博弈的描寫引齣對毛時期政治中“階級鬥爭”概念濫用的反思。結尾過度美化文革時期“鐵姑娘”這一cultural construct,而關於典型塑造的具體過程語焉不詳,似乎寫這個概念僅僅是為瞭引齣之後對改開初期沉迷“男女有彆、”“女性特質”知識分子的批判。結論部分錶達對現今capitalism和社達的dominance錶達不滿和擔憂,指齣“階級 ”的失語。不過還是更喜歡讀普通農村婦女當乾部、掙工分、織布的故事,這些研究是對本書很好的補充。
評分的確有點懷念“good old days”的意味哈哈哈,之前一直浸染在官方和主流敘事中,沒有追問現在的福祉從何而來,更順從地忽視瞭被抹去存在的人和事。感覺對“後毛主義”的批評有些簡單,有機會要再去瞭解一下!讀後最強烈的感受是:女性議題(以及其他少數議題)真的不能成為所謂崇高理想的附屬...
評分建國後婦女史的重塑:一方麵是被遮蔽的婦女鬥爭史——婦聯與《中國婦女》以Maoist階級鬥爭的術語(“封建思想”)爭奪陣地的努力與失敗(66年後);一方麵是以電影為核心所展開的文化生産史的重新書寫,勇敢、無私的女英雄形象(《烈火中永生》江姐)所推動的社會主義女性形象轉變與JiangQing及她建構於男性思維、權力結構之上的舞颱化的女性形象,在婦女形象“男性化”的批判中伴隨“反封建”話語的壓抑而黯然退場,轉而成為資本主義現代性所悅納的“real femininity”與公共話語中的性彆差異,諸如“大寨鐵姑娘”的形象亦雨打風吹去。於是指嚮逐漸清晰——女性革命不能成為任何以人類尊嚴或社會正義之名的運動的附庸,必須有意識地進行對男性統治的批判與係統改造,否則終將以不平等性彆關係與男性統治的再生産告終。
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