《黎曼幾何》主要內容:The object of this book is to familiarize the reader with the basic language of and some fundamental theorems in Riemannian Geometry. To avoid referring to previous knowledge of differentiable manifolds, we include Chapter 0, which contains those concepts and results on differentiable manifolds which are used in an essential way in the rest of the book。
The first four chapters of the book present the basic concepts of Riemannian Geometry (Riemannian metrics, Riemannian connections, geodesics and curvature). A good part of the study of Riemannian Geometry consists of understanding the relationship between geodesics and curvature. Jacobi fields, an essential tool for this understanding, are introduced in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6 we introduce the second fundamental form associated with an isometric immersion, and prove a generalization of the Theorem Egregium of Gauss. This allows us to relate the notion of curvature in Riemannian manifolds to the classical concept of Gaussian curvature for surfaces。
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或許是天資愚鈍,關於黎曼幾何的書之前雜七雜八地翻過一些,但總覺得入不瞭門。但一看do Carmo的這本書,就好像忽然間開瞭竅一樣,覺得那些概念和工具原來都是那麼清楚和可愛。一口氣把它給讀完瞭,現在正在迴頭做上麵的習題。
評分或許是天資愚鈍,關於黎曼幾何的書之前雜七雜八地翻過一些,但總覺得入不瞭門。但一看do Carmo的這本書,就好像忽然間開瞭竅一樣,覺得那些概念和工具原來都是那麼清楚和可愛。一口氣把它給讀完瞭,現在正在迴頭做上麵的習題。
評分或許是天資愚鈍,關於黎曼幾何的書之前雜七雜八地翻過一些,但總覺得入不瞭門。但一看do Carmo的這本書,就好像忽然間開瞭竅一樣,覺得那些概念和工具原來都是那麼清楚和可愛。一口氣把它給讀完瞭,現在正在迴頭做上麵的習題。
評分或許是天資愚鈍,關於黎曼幾何的書之前雜七雜八地翻過一些,但總覺得入不瞭門。但一看do Carmo的這本書,就好像忽然間開瞭竅一樣,覺得那些概念和工具原來都是那麼清楚和可愛。一口氣把它給讀完瞭,現在正在迴頭做上麵的習題。
評分或許是天資愚鈍,關於黎曼幾何的書之前雜七雜八地翻過一些,但總覺得入不瞭門。但一看do Carmo的這本書,就好像忽然間開瞭竅一樣,覺得那些概念和工具原來都是那麼清楚和可愛。一口氣把它給讀完瞭,現在正在迴頭做上麵的習題。
圖書標籤: 黎曼幾何 數學 微分幾何 幾何 do·carmo 拓撲 math Differential_Geometry
評分不知道為什麼這麼多人推崇這本書。這本書應該被淘汰瞭。沒有係統講述Lie group,Lie algebra,也沒有怎麼使用張量。很多地方晦暗不明。Lee 對這本書的評價是Leisurely。這應該Carmo 寫書時的狀態,不是我們讀書時的狀態。不喜歡這本書。
評分是這本嗎?Riemannian Geometry - M. doCarmo.pdf
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