约翰·泰勒·盖托(1935-),在曼哈顿当了三十年老师,曲于1991年当选纽约州年度教师。同年,他在《华尔街日报》上公开发表了辞职信,从此不倦地为学校改革而奔赴各地演说,行程长达三百多万英里。他的前一本书,《愚弄美国》(Dumbing Us Down)销量十万册。
Weapons of Mass Instruction 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分作者是一个反学校教育主义者,观点非常激进,把学校教育贬的一文不值,认为这是统治者用来禁锢民众思想的工具。此书很有阴谋论的味道,观点和前田研一在《低智商社会》中大力批判日本ZF愚民教育的观点不谋而合。作者倡导开放式教育,鼓励学生应做到批判和独立思考。这本书...
图书标签: 教育 Education 教育学 社会学 英文原版 美国 社会 文化
This book focuses on mechanisms of familiar schooling that cripple imagination, discourage critical thinking, and create a false view of learning as a by-product of rote-memorisation drills. Gatto's earlier book, "Dumbing Us Down", put that now-famous expression of the title into common use worldwide. This book promises to add another chilling metaphor to the brief against schooling. Here is a demonstration that the harm school inflicts is quite rational and deliberate, following high-level political theories constructed by Plato, Calvin, Spinoza, Fichte, Darwin, Wundt, and others, which contend the term 'education' is meaningless because humanity is strictly limited by necessities of biology, psychology, and theology. The real function of pedagogy is to render the common population manageable. Realising that goal demands that the young be conditioned to rely upon experts, remain divided from natural alliances, and accept disconnections from the experiences that create self-reliance and independence. Escaping this trap requires a different way of growing up, one Gatto calls 'open source learning'. In chapters such as 'A Letter to Kristina, my Granddaughter'; 'Fat Stanley'; and, 'Walkabout: London', this different reality is illustrated.
Weapons of Mass Instruction 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书