Sarah Rose is a journalist and author of D-Day Girls: The Spies Who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the Nazis and Helped Win World War II, and the critically acclaimed For All the Tea in China: How England Stole the World’s Favorite Drink and Changed History.
She was a news columnist at the Wall Street Journal, and her features have appeared in Outside, Departures, The New York Post, Travel + Leisure, Bon Appetit, The Saturday Evening Post, and Men’s Journal.
Sarah is a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Chicago.
A dramatic historical narrative of the man who stole the secret of tea from China
In 1848, the British East India Company, having lost its monopoly on the tea trade, engaged Robert Fortune, a Scottish gardener, botanist, and plant hunter, to make a clandestine trip into the interior of China-territory forbidden to foreigners-to steal the closely guarded secrets of tea horticulture and manufacturing. For All the Tea in China is the remarkable account of Fortune's journeys into China-a thrilling narrative that combines history, geography, botany, natural science, and old-fashioned adventure.
Disguised in Mandarin robes, Fortune ventured deep into the country, confronting pirates, hostile climate, and his own untrustworthy men as he made his way to the epicenter of tea production, the remote Wu Yi Shan hills. One of the most daring acts of corporate espionage in history, Fortune's pursuit of China's ancient secret makes for a classic nineteenth-century adventure tale, one in which the fate of empires hinges on the feats of one extraordinary man.
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姑且說自己是一個愛茶之人。 飲茶之事,緣起2013年在江西婺源旅行。婺源的幾個旅遊村鎮熱鬧非凡,到處都是茶葉店,從那裏第一次購買茶葉,並瞭解瞭一下相關的知識,擺脫瞭對茶葉隻是“送禮佳品”的刻闆印象。自那以後,每造訪名山,便喜歡跑到當地的茶葉店,聽店傢講和本地茶葉...
評分1852年,恩菲爾德•洛剋皇傢輕兵器廠 如果書中沒有這個章節,或許我就隻能給個3星瞭,雖然有多個譯名:茶葉大盜、植物獵人的茶盜之旅。 但我還是喜歡從另外一個角度去看問題。 話說看完這本書的時候剛剛是2015年11月11日12點吧,剛剛結束的天貓雙11,以912億結束。為什麼特意...
評分姑且說自己是一個愛茶之人。 飲茶之事,緣起2013年在江西婺源旅行。婺源的幾個旅遊村鎮熱鬧非凡,到處都是茶葉店,從那裏第一次購買茶葉,並瞭解瞭一下相關的知識,擺脫瞭對茶葉隻是“送禮佳品”的刻闆印象。自那以後,每造訪名山,便喜歡跑到當地的茶葉店,聽店傢講和本地茶葉...
評分“Not for all the tea in China”是一句流行於維多利亞時代的俗語,當時英國盛行喝茶,而絕大部分的茶葉來自中國,所以如果把中國(China)所有的茶(tea)都給你,你都不願意的話,就可以說明你多麼的堅決瞭。美國女作傢 Sarah Rose 的作品用 For All the Tea in China 作為書名...
圖書標籤: 曆史 英國 茶 History 飲食 茶葉神偷 茶葉 國
非常好讀,很有意思,一點都不枯燥,對茶葉文化,那個時期的國際環境和中國的風土人情都有介紹。就好像是跟著Robert Fortune一起遊歷瞭一番
評分subtitle標題黨啦,robert fortune是隻scot弗是english好伐。再講照箇種邏輯,工業化國傢儕偷瞭大英一百年偷瞭美國兩百年。
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