Andrew Stellman
Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman have been building software together since 1998. Andrew comes from a programming background, and has managed teams of requirements analysts, designers, and developers. With her testing background, Jennifer has managed teams of architects, developers, and testers. She has led multiple large-scale outsourced projects. Between the two of them, they have managed every aspect of software development. Andrew and Jennifer formed Stellman & Greene Consulting in 2003, with a focus on project management, software development, management consulting, and software process improvement. They have worked in a wide range of industries, including finance, telecommunications, media, non-profit, entertainment, natural language processing, science and academia. For more information about them and this book, visit
Jennifer Greene
Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman have been building software together since 1998. Andrew comes from a programming background, and has managed teams of requirements analysts, designers, and developers. Jennifer has a testing background, and has managed teams of architects, developers, and testers. She has led multiple large-scale outsourced projects. Between the two of them, they have managed every aspect of software development. They formed Stellman & Greene Consulting in 2003, with a focus on project management, software development, management consulting, and software process improvement. They have worked in a wide range of industries, including finance, telecommunications, media, non-profit, entertainment, natural language processing, science and academia. For more information about them and this book, visit
《Head First PMP(中文版)(第2版)》以生動有趣、毫不乏味的方式全麵涵蓋瞭《PMBOK指南》的原理。這本書以特有的方式幫助你為認證考試充分做好準備,不僅僅迴答具體的問題,更著重於從全局思考項目管理。通過結閤具體的上下文討論各個項目管理概念,你將能夠理解、記住並靈活應用這些概念。不隻是應對考試,還將充分運用於工作中。正是因為這個原因,纔會有如此多的人僅憑《Head First PMP(中文版)(第2版)》就一舉順利通過PMP考試!通過應用神經生物學、認知科學和學習理論的最新研究成果,《Head FirstPMP(第二版)》采用豐富直觀的形式使你的大腦真正開動起來,而不是長篇纍牘地說教,讓你昏昏欲睡。
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秉承瞭Head First叢書一貫的輕鬆的風格。很好的解釋瞭PMP一些很概念性的東西,通篇都是以一個一個的小故事穿插其中來解釋PMP中九大知識領域。有實例的概念性的書,讀起來纔不那麼費勁,也比較好理解。 雖然這本書開篇就強調,這本書隻適閤有PM相關工作經曆的書。不過還好也沒怎...
評分 評分秉承瞭Head First叢書一貫的輕鬆的風格。很好的解釋瞭PMP一些很概念性的東西,通篇都是以一個一個的小故事穿插其中來解釋PMP中九大知識領域。有實例的概念性的書,讀起來纔不那麼費勁,也比較好理解。 雖然這本書開篇就強調,這本書隻適閤有PM相關工作經曆的書。不過還好也沒怎...
評分秉承瞭Head First叢書一貫的輕鬆的風格。很好的解釋瞭PMP一些很概念性的東西,通篇都是以一個一個的小故事穿插其中來解釋PMP中九大知識領域。有實例的概念性的書,讀起來纔不那麼費勁,也比較好理解。 雖然這本書開篇就強調,這本書隻適閤有PM相關工作經曆的書。不過還好也沒怎...
圖書標籤: 項目管理 PMP 管理 軟件工程 軟件開發 深入淺齣 管理學 職場
運用神經學、認知學快速的帶我們入門。好書。 將抽象的概念具象化。非常便於人腦消化吸收。
評分運用神經學、認知學快速的帶我們入門。好書。 將抽象的概念具象化。非常便於人腦消化吸收。
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