Robert M. Emerson is professor emeritus in the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of Contemporary Field Research: Perspectives and Formulations, now in its second edition.
Rachel I. Fretz is a lecturer in the Writing Programs unit at UCLA.
Linda L. Shaw is professor in and chair of the sociology department at California State University, San Marcos.
In "Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes", Robert M. Emerson, Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw present a series of guidelines, suggestions, and practical advice for creating useful fieldnotes in a variety of settings, demystifying a process that is often assumed to be intuitive and impossible to teach. Using actual unfinished notes as examples, the authors illustrate options for composing, reviewing, and working fieldnotes into finished texts. They discuss different organizational and descriptive strategies and show how transforming direct observations into vivid descriptions results not simply from good memory but from learning to envision scenes as written. A good ethnographer, they demonstrate, must learn to remember dialogue and movement like an actor, to see colors and shapes like a painter, and to sense moods and rhythms like a poet. This new edition reflects the extensive feedback the authors have received from students and instructors since the first edition was published in 1995. As a result, they have updated the race, class, and gender section, created new sections on coding programs and revising first drafts, and provided new examples of working notes. An essential tool for budding social scientists, the second edition of "Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes" will be invaluable for a new generation of researchers entering the field.
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這本書我花瞭一個多月讀完的,利用每天上下班坐地鐵的時間。邊讀邊用鉛筆在書上做標注,讀完後把這些標注手打輸入電腦,將近一萬七韆字。 我第一次知道人類學裏的田野調查,是在《恥辱者手記》裏的驚鴻一瞥。然後去百度文庫搜瞭一堆田野調查筆記來讀,覺得不過癮,就...
評分【1】田野調查入門參考 【2】客觀性,真實性,微觀真實與宏觀真實…諸多理念讓人想到的是新聞專業主義與采寫規範。但其實踐技術與方法在這本書裏得到呈現。 本來應該是新聞係基礎的知識,卻在新聞係師生默契地指認新聞學科的學院教育與新聞實務絕緣之後,把培養基礎知識的責任...
評分 評分(1)研究者觀察的以及最終分析的數據、發現與實地觀察的過程不可分割 “方法”和“發現”不可分割 增加自己對被研究者所處的多重的、情景的現實的敏感度 (2)研究者在做田野筆記的時候,要特彆關注被研究者賦予事件的意義以及他們的關注點 減少對他人生活和行為的預設和偏見 ...
評分田野的灌木層是人類的巢穴。這樣說,是因為田野調查的阡陌上,有些靈魂蜿蜒而行,穿越泥沼與灰暗,尋證生命的尊嚴與價值,更是為文明挽留基本的風度與自信。 盡管大多數時候,人類學傢以科學傢自居,但不可否認的是,每個人類學傢與他們的研究對象都是活生生的個人,各種感受的...
圖書標籤: 人類學 Methodology Ethnography 方法論 Methods 社會學 社會學 anthropology
評分How grounded theorists do ethnography. 然而結構功能主義跟著帕森斯一起死瞭以後,grounded theory的意義就不大瞭。如何寫fieldnotes的部分還是挺有用的,但是更希望有一本介紹如結閤extended case method的邏輯寫fieldnotes的書,畢竟GT和ECM對fieldnotes以及analysis都有著不同的要求,然而市麵上大多數這一類的書都是按照GT的empiricist logic寫的而不是按照ECM的theory-driven logic寫的。
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