李•勒菲弗(Lee LeFever),
Common Craft公司的創始人和首席演示員,該公司的視頻演示在世界範圍內都享有盛譽,已經有超過5000萬人次在綫觀看該公司製作的視頻。他的客戶包括很多知名公司,包括樂高、英特爾、福特汽車、微軟、榖歌等。
Your guide to becoming an explanation specialist. You've done the hard work. Your product or service works beautifully - but something is missing. People just don't see the big idea - and it's keeping you from being successful. Your idea has an explanation problem. The Art of Explanation is for business people, educators and influencers who want to improve their explanation skills and start solving explanation problems. Author Lee LeFever is the founder of Common Craft, a company known around the world for making complex ideas easy to understand through short animated videos. He is your guide to helping audiences fall in love with your ideas, products or services through better explanations in any medium. You will learn to: Plan: Learn explanation basics, what causes them to fail and how to diagnose explanation problems. Package: Using simple elements, create an explanation strategy that builds confidence and motivates your audience. Present: Produce remarkable explanations with visuals and media. The Art of Explanation is your invitation to become an explanation specialist and see why explanation is now a fundamental skill for professionals.
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評分周末看瞭《精簡》後,又看瞭一遍《THE ART OF EXPLANATION》的核心原則實際上就像白居易寫詩,寫完後讀給老奶奶聽,若能聽懂,還算能得到贊譽,那這多半可以廣為流傳。 從這個角度說,白居易先生纔是中國用戶體驗的先驅和大師,所謂在唐朝那個強大的時代,就已經是得屌絲者得...
評分這本書最初吸引我是因為它的英文書名:The art of explanation——演示的藝術,讓人想起瞭The art of war——《戰爭的藝術》(孫子兵法)、The art of travel——《旅行的藝術》等一係列經典的名著。而中文譯名相比起來就不那麼可愛瞭。“商業就是一場秀”,讓人想起的是“人生...
評分一直以來,都特彆怕自己成為一個無趣的人,恨不得學盡十八般武藝討人喜歡。 但事實是,我們靈魂裏的沮喪是僞裝不瞭的。 練習過再多次的溫暖笑臉,也抵不過一個不經意的索然眼神。總有一些人,是他們傷害過你,把你推入萬劫不復。 可真正麵對麵,是依舊恨不起來的。他們是命...
評分對於想做好産品或技術型演示的人,我推薦讀一讀這本書。 大部分精心準備的演示遭遇失敗的原因無非是沒講好三個問題: 1.我聽不懂你說的概念; 2.這個對我有什麼價值? 3.那我該怎麼做? ----我們往往不是死在沒有邏輯,而是用瞭彆人聽不懂的邏輯。 我第一份工作是賣軟件,軟...
圖書標籤: 錶達 營銷 思考 思維 心理學 skill 設計 英文版
Worth reading
評分Worth reading
評分廢話略多,但是也看到一些有用的知識DDDD 筆記見evernote - the art of explanation
評分context, story, connection, desciption...
The Art of Explanation 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載