The Iliad 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分如今希腊经济形势不好,叙利亚等中东难民潮更让其雪上加霜,但几千年前,古希腊文明在欧洲乃至世界都是首屈一指,在很多领域都取得过异常辉煌的成就。在艺术上,纯白的古希腊雕塑优雅流畅,科技发达的今人难望其项背;文学上,洋洋洒洒两大厚本的荷马史诗和古希腊悲喜剧等等,...
评分他的本相已不可一望而知,因为他的身体的各个部分由于海浪冲刷而断折、破碎甚至完全毁坏,何况还有贝壳、海草和岩石之类的杂物附着于他,致使他看起来更像一个怪物,全然丧失了原本的模样。 ——《王制》柏拉图 以上引文...
评分关于译文: 看到网上有人评论陈中梅的译本,称其毁了一部经典。我自己却没有这样的感受。 反倒是读得兴高采烈,畅快淋漓。大概因为我是个神经末端粗钝的马大哈,可能也是当之无愧的对各种译体病都最能忍受的人。 我认为,文学作品和文学作品的组成成分的区别就在于,文学作品诞...
图书标签: Homer 古希腊 Classics 史诗 荷马 Iliad 希腊文学 诗歌
This timeless poem-more than 2,700 year old-still vividly conveys the horror and heroism of men and gods wrestling with towering emotions and battling amid devastation and destruction as it moves inexorably to its wrenching, tragic conclusion. Readers of this epic poem will be gripped by the finely tuned translation and enlightening introduction.
Translated by Robert Fagles
Introduction and Notes by Bernard
评分译者自述:Homer's work is a performance, even in part a musical event. Perhaps that is the source of his speed, directness and simplicity —and his nobility too. Surely it is a major source of Homer's energy, the loft and carry of his imagination that sweeps al
评分译者自述:Homer's work is a performance, even in part a musical event. Perhaps that is the source of his speed, directness and simplicity —and his nobility too. Surely it is a major source of Homer's energy, the loft and carry of his imagination that sweeps al
The Iliad 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书