費爾南多(Randima Femando)從8歲起就愛上瞭計算機圖形學。現在在NVIDIA的技術開發組工作,同時教授開發者如何利用最新的圖形處理技術(GPU)。費爾南多在康奈爾大學獲得瞭計算機科學學士學位和計算機圖形學碩士學位。他已經在SigGraph上發錶過文章,與Mark Kilgard閤著The CG Tutorial: The Definitive Guide to Programmable Real-Time Graphics。.
"GPU Gems 2 isn't meant to simply adorn your bookshelf-it's required reading for anyone trying to keep pace with the rapid evolution of programmable graphics. If you're serious about graphics, this book will take you to the edge of what the GPU can do." -Remi Arnaud, Graphics Architect at Sony Computer Entertainment"The topics covered in GPU Gems 2 are critical to the next generation of game engines." -Gary McTaggart, Software Engineer at Valve, Creators of Half-Life and Counter-Strike This sequel to the best-selling, first volume of GPU Gems details the latest programming techniques for today's graphics processing units (GPUs). As GPUs find their way into mobile phones, handheld gaming devices, and consoles, GPU expertise is even more critical in today's competitive environment. Real-time graphics programmers will discover the latest algorithms for creating advanced visual effects, strategies for managing complex scenes, and advanced image processing techniques. Readers will also learn new methods for using the substantial processing power of the GPU in other computationally intensive applications, such as scientific computing and finance. Twenty of the book's forty-eight chapters are devoted to GPGPU programming, from basic concepts to advanced techniques. Written by experts in cutting-edge GPU programming, this book offers readers practical means to harness the enormous capabilities of GPUs. Major topics covered include: * Geometric Complexity * Shading, Lighting, and Shadows * High-Quality Rendering * General-Purpose Computation on GPUs: A Primer * Image-Oriented Computing * Simulation and Numerical Algorithms Contributors are from the following corporations and universities: 1C: Maddox Games 2015 Apple Computer Armstrong State University Climax Entertainment Crytek discreet ETH Zurich GRAVIR/IMAG-INRIA GSC Game World Lionhead Studios Lund University Massachusetts Institute of Technology mental images Microsoft Research NVIDIA Corporation Piranha Bytes Siemens Corporate Research Siemens Medical Solutions Simutronics Corporation Sony Pictures Imageworks Stanford University Stony Brook University Technische Universitat Munchen University of California, Davis University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Potsdam University of Tokyo University of Toronto University of Utah University of Virginia University of Waterloo Vienna University of Technology VRVis Research Center Section editors include NVIDIA engineers: Kevin Bjorke, Cem Cebenoyan, Simon Green, Mark Harris, Craig Kolb, and Matthias Wloka The accompanying CD-ROM includes complementary examples and sample programs.
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花瞭幾百大洋及兩個月的時間從美國亞馬遜買的,質量必然比該係列的前兩本中文版好太多。 這個係列的書有一定高度,涉及到的技術細節不多,更主要的是從方法和思路的角度去詮釋CG中的各種熱門話題。 可惜自97年齣瞭這第三捲以來,nVidia再沒繼續齣瞭~ 是何原因
評分非常不錯的一本,也是我記憶最深刻的一本書 該係列針對shader和gpu的內容比較多 建議喜歡華麗效果或者對於cpu負荷太重的問題,應該可以從這本書得到一些啓發 這本書現在可以從NVIDIA的網站上可以直接看到在綫版
評分如果豆瓣允許我給半顆星,我恨不得給半顆。 通篇翻譯連google自動翻譯都不如。 我懷疑翻譯者不是沒有專業知識,而是連最基本的語言能力都不具備。 翻譯的不學術可以,但是語句不通就很奇怪瞭,這是怎麼審核的過的? 難道齣版社的人也欠缺語言天賦麼? 60頁圖下注釋:朝嚮光偏...
評分花瞭幾百大洋及兩個月的時間從美國亞馬遜買的,質量必然比該係列的前兩本中文版好太多。 這個係列的書有一定高度,涉及到的技術細節不多,更主要的是從方法和思路的角度去詮釋CG中的各種熱門話題。 可惜自97年齣瞭這第三捲以來,nVidia再沒繼續齣瞭~ 是何原因
評分花瞭幾百大洋及兩個月的時間從美國亞馬遜買的,質量必然比該係列的前兩本中文版好太多。 這個係列的書有一定高度,涉及到的技術細節不多,更主要的是從方法和思路的角度去詮釋CG中的各種熱門話題。 可惜自97年齣瞭這第三捲以來,nVidia再沒繼續齣瞭~ 是何原因
圖書標籤: GPU 圖形學 遊戲開發 CG 編程 graphics 計算機圖形學 圖形
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