雷德侯 1942年12月7日齣生於慕尼黑。
Chinese workers in the third century b.c. created seven thousand life-sized terracotta soldiers to guard the tomb of the First Emperor. In the eleventh century a.d., Chinese builders constructed a pagoda from as many as thirty thousand separately carved wooden pieces. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, China exported more than a hundred million pieces of porcelain to the West. As these examples show, the Chinese throughout history have produced works of art in astonishing quantities - and have done so without sacrificing quality, affordability, or speed of manufacture. How have they managed this? Lothar Ledderose takes us on a remarkable tour of Chinese art and culture to explain how artists used complex systems of mass production to assemble extraordinary objects from standardized parts or modules. As he reveals, these systems have deep roots in Chinese thought - in the idea that the universe consists of ten thousand categories of things, for example - and reflect characteristically Chinese modes of social organization. Ledderose begins with the modular system par excellence: Chinese script, an ancient system of fifty thousand characters produced from a repertoire of only about two hundred components. He shows how Chinese artists used related modular systems to create ritual bronzes, to produce the First Emperor's terracotta army, and to develop the world's first printing systems. He explores the dazzling variety of lacquerware and porcelain that the West found so seductive, and examines how works as diverse as imperial palaces and paintings of hell relied on elegant variation of standardized components. Ledderose explains that Chinese artists, unlike their Western counterparts, did not seek to reproduce individual objects of nature faithfully, but sought instead to mimic nature's ability to produce limitless numbers of objects. He shows as well how modular patterns of thought run through Chinese ideas about personal freedom, China's culture of bureaucracy, Chinese religion, and even the organization of Chinese restaurants. Originally presented as a series of Mellon lectures at the National Gallery of Art, "Ten Thousand Things" combines keen aesthetic and cultural insights with a rich variety of illustrations to make a profound new statement about Chinese art and society.
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評分行之愈近,則窺之難全;處之愈深,則迷惘難斷。我們往往司空見慣的事情,卻又經常略有不聞,唯徹悟後方知“不識廬山真麵目,隻緣身在此山中”,通常換個視角,乃是一處新天地。 《萬物》全名《萬物——中國藝術中的模件化和規模化生産》,是為德國學者雷德侯(Lothar Ledderos...
評分德國人齣名嚴謹精確,故此書不見得有趣,但確實極盡細緻入微之能事。 外國漢學傢往往比中國漢學傢更迷中國文化,加上相對較強的分析和論述思維,使得一本講述中國藝術史的論著,撇開瞭滿是令人頭熱的術語的常見弊病,描繪得言之有物,環環相扣,而最終的論點,也通過反復的小...
評分我不知道有沒有一個設計理論專業方嚮是叫“比較設計研究”,如果有,那麼套用比較文學的定義,“比較設計”就是對兩種或兩種以上民族設計之間相互作用的過程,以及設計與其他藝術門類和其他意識形態的相互關係的比較研究。這個定義套用在《萬物》上似乎再閤適不過。 先看到這...
評分現在看看,覺得這本書對於中國藝術界的影響多過學術價值。 p4 (中國人將零件拼成藝術品。這一想法對於數字化製造的意義?)(通過係統而非個彆的分析跳齣瞭普通美術鑒賞的範疇) p208 聖經和佛經的大量印製對活字印刷的促進。 p255 在中國體係中文字和抽象的崇高地位,這與西...
圖書標籤: 藝術史 海外中國研究 雷德侯 列文森中國研究書籍奬 中國 藝術 Lothar_Ledderose 中國藝術史
評分高屋建瓴 寫得好 不過說實話 關於建築那章沒怎麼看明白 畢竟我對建築瞭解還是太少啊
評分視角很有啓發性,喜歡the word in print和the bureaucracy of hell
Ten Thousand Things 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載