Henry James, OM, son of theologian Henry James Sr., brother of the philosopher and psychologist William James and diarist Alice James, was an American-born author, one of the founders and leaders of a school of realism in fiction. He spent much of his life in England and became a British subject shortly before his death. He is primarily known for a series of major novels in which he portrayed the encounter of America with Europe. His plots centered on personal relationships, the proper exercise of power in such relationships, and other moral questions. His method of writing from the point of view of a character within a tale allowed him to explore the phenomena of consciousness and perception, and his style in later works has been compared to impressionist painting.
James insisted that writers in Great Britain and America should be allowed the greatest freedom possible in presenting their view of the world, as French authors were. His imaginative use of point of view, interior monologue and unreliable narrators in his own novels and tales brought a new depth and interest to realistic fiction, and foreshadowed the modernist work of the twentieth century. An extraordinarily productive writer, in addition to his voluminous works of fiction he published articles and books of travel writing, biography, autobiography, and criticism,and wrote plays, some of which were performed during his lifetime with moderate success. His theatrical work is thought to have profoundly influenced his later novels and tales.
The narrator is a young governess, sent off to a country house to take charge of two orphaned children. She finds a pleasant house and a comfortable housekeeper, while the children are beautiful and charming. But she soon begins to feel the presence of intense evil.
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如果在寢室,在廁所,在食堂,在工作閑暇之餘,你正打算講鬼故事。哦,先生女士們,沒什麼比這裏的開頭更閤適的開場白瞭。 我敢嚮你保證,沒什麼比這還更好的,沒有,絕對找不到。翻遍瞭書店恐怖故事欄你都不會看到,還有什麼比這更閤適,你再也找不到的。 你可以找找,當然,...
評分得到聽書: 第一, 美國作傢亨利·詹姆斯去世後被文學史追認的重要地位,並不是因為他的作品有多麼廣泛的群眾基礎,而是因為他是文學流派從現實主義嚮現代主義轉型的一個特彆關鍵的人物;詹姆斯留下的文本,大量運用心理分析手段,視角直抵人類的內心深處,對於二十世紀盛行的...
評分僅作參考,祝大傢閱讀愉快~ 原文地址:http://www.gezhi.fj.cn/oblog313/user1/Alice/archives/2008/521.html 《螺絲在擰緊》講述瞭一個懸念迭起的鬼故事。一韆個讀者便有一韆個哈姆雷特,小說問世來,人們便從各個角度來解讀其中的錯綜復雜。本文則嘗試結閤弗洛伊德的精神分...
評分 評分1、可能並沒有鬼,女傢庭教師精神有問題,鬼是她臆造的,證據之一就是其中一次她和小女孩,女管傢同時在場的時候,身邊兩位都沒有看到。女管傢是個迷信心理很重的人,所以一聽女傢庭教師說見鬼瞭就附和也是有的。 2、女傢庭教師和小男孩有曖昧吧?也許有實質性的性關係發生也...
圖書標籤: HenryJames 美國文學 英文原版 小說 美國 哥特 literature 文學
The Turn of the Screw gives off an air of suspense that lingers long after the last page is turned.
評分Henry James在營造氣氛,這是最緻命的。我承認我不是個很好的讀者,理想情況下我應該安安心心地讀完小說,然後玩味H.J的迂迴和曖昧,思考他這麼寫的動機,努力忽略平淡細節之後爆炸性的情況下什麼也沒發現的失望之情。H.J故意不說,他的態度模糊不清,然而正因為不給我們一個明白的確定的俗世的解釋,反而産生瞭巨大的力量。我執拗地想抓住他問個明白,傢庭女教師看見的到底是鬼魂還是她心底某些因為情緒極具波動而産生的幻覺比如阿德拉小姐在馬拉巴山洞裏經曆的一切一樣,可是他閃爍其辭不肯正麵迴答,於是我隻好繼續迴頭尋找。
評分I was ready to enjoy a ghost story, but then found it was a quite confusing one #頭疼
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