To feed a quarter of the world’s population on only seven percent of the world’s cultivated land and at the same time to have developed a renowned cuisine is perhaps the most exemplary achievement of the Chinese people. What accounts for their success? And what can be learned from it in this age of widespread hunger?
E.N. Anderson’s comprehensive, entertaining historical and ethnographic account of Chinese food from the Bronze Age to the twentieth century shows how food has been central to Chinese governmental policies, religious rituals, and health practices from earliest times. The historical survey of agricultural and culinary customs, in the first half of the book, offers a wealth of fact and interpretation on such topics as the effect of government policy on agricultural innovation; the relation of medical beliefs to appetizing cuisine; the recycling of waste products on the farm; the traditional absence of food taboos (including the practicality of eating one’s pests, or feeding them to pigs and chickens, instead of poisoning them and the environment); and the key factors in the gourmet quality of Chinese food from the simplest to the most elaborate dishes. Without glossing over the occurrences of famine China’s history, Anderson concludes that the full story is one of remarkable success in feeding maximum populations over the millennia. Underpinning this accomplishment, he cites China’s traditional stress on food as the basis of the state and as fundamental not only to individual well-being but to the enjoyment of life.
Anderson turns to present-day China in the latter half of the book, describing in rich and enticing detail the regional varieties in Chinese diet, food preparation, and rituals of eating and drinking. These lively, readable chapters as well as those in the first half of The Food of China make it a prime source for anyone—general readers and scholars alike—with an interest in Chinese history or food.
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e. n. anderson對於中國食物的研究算得上高屋建瓴,並不祗在柴米油鹽醬醋茶上打轉,對於中國歷朝的政治、經濟、文化等都有深入的研究並且抱持著獨特的見解,且無膚廓之虞。 在此基礎之上,anderson以滿懷熱愛的情懷詳細闡述瞭中國食物的特點及演變。作者對粵菜的歡喜溢於言錶,...
評分用兩天時間讀完瞭 E.N. Anderson 的 The Food of China. 作者是位美國人類學傢,目前同時在華盛頓大學和加州大學河濱分校授課。此書從曆史的角度,分朝代介紹瞭中國飲食,及其所受之外來影響,讀來非常有趣。這兩天邊讀邊在Twitter上做瞭八卦體摘抄,現將這些推整理如下: 1. ...
評分九年前曾把此書買來翻過,當時讀書不求甚解,雖然覺得譯本有些問題,但除瞭在書上做瞭少許校正,也沒太在意。這次重讀,纔驚覺譯文問題之嚴重——全書不到300頁,數下來竟有150多處翻譯問題;而如果有原文可對照,這個數字要突破200甚至300,大概也是不無可能的。 由於沒有譯...
圖書標籤: 人類學 曆史 飲食史 飲食人類學 飲食 美食 China Food
評分東方作為他者之形象映照齣西方現代性體係。這也正是作者藉研究中國傳統農業來“吸取一些如何促進發展的教訓”的原因:Its self was confirmed inversely by encountering the heterogeneous.
評分東方作為他者之形象映照齣西方現代性體係。這也正是作者藉研究中國傳統農業來“吸取一些如何促進發展的教訓”的原因:Its self was confirmed inversely by encountering the heterogeneous.
評分一個不符閤Engel's law的民族……
評分東方作為他者之形象映照齣西方現代性體係。這也正是作者藉研究中國傳統農業來“吸取一些如何促進發展的教訓”的原因:Its self was confirmed inversely by encountering the heterogeneous.
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