馬文•鮑爾(Marvin Bower)
現代管理谘詢之父, 麥肯锡谘詢公司的創建人。他是同時擁有哈佛法學院和商學院學位的第一人。為麥肯锡公司服務60餘年,擔任CEO17年,他所倡導的領導力理論及專業精神不僅讓麥肯锡成為真正全球性的、具有公認權威地位的專業服務公司,更讓眾多企業成長為國際頂尖、世界知名的行業標杆。
The Will to Lead is a book of wisdom and reflection from a man who has observed and shaped the field of management for over 60 years. During his long and illustrious career at the helm of McKinsey & Company, Marvin Bower has seen more important business leaders close up, helped shaped more companies, and dealt with more of their serious problems than perhaps anyone else in the business world. As a chief executive himself, he built and ran one of the most successful enterprises ever-McKinsey & Company. THE WILL TO LEAD draws on Bower's 60 years of experience to present his highly personal vision of how to lead people to work together. Raising serious questions about "command-and-control" leadership, Bower urges the creation of companies based on networks of leaders and leadership teams. Weaving in stories and lessons from his own journey, he outlines the first steps for making it happen. Bower built his distinguished career on giving the right advice at the right time, and for always acting on first principles. The Will to Lead is no exception. It will strike a chord among managers who aspire to be leaders and to help others be leaders.
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中文版叫《麥肯锡本色》 看英文版會被 作者的寫作能力和文字風格 震撼。 全書不見高級詞匯, 卻 簡單,準確。 不愧 是 連續以 最高榮譽畢業於 哈佛法學院和哈佛商學院。 本書除瞭關於領導力的真知灼見。 其中穿插的 小故事 充分展示 作者的傢教, 師承, 聰慧以及不懈的自我...
評分麥肯锡公司創始人60年領導力心 關於麥肯锡的書有很多,但是馬文·鮑爾自己寫的隻有這一本! 馬文·鮑爾,全球排名第一、最受尊敬的管理谘詢公司創始人 與德魯剋齊名的現代管理谘詢之父 西門子、奔馳、殼牌等著名公司CEO的精神導師 哈佛領導力教席以他的名字命名 《麥肯锡本色...
評分Start From Oct. 16th, 2013 A not so happy evening, well, I have candy with me. I have my support and comfort. I am fortunate. ------------------------------------------------- Page 9: 麥肯锡對客戶的五大承諾 1. 客戶的利益高於公司的利益 2. 麥肯锡員工...
評分Start From Oct. 16th, 2013 A not so happy evening, well, I have candy with me. I have my support and comfort. I am fortunate. ------------------------------------------------- Page 9: 麥肯锡對客戶的五大承諾 1. 客戶的利益高於公司的利益 2. 麥肯锡員工...
評分麥肯锡公司創始人60年領導力心 關於麥肯锡的書有很多,但是馬文·鮑爾自己寫的隻有這一本! 馬文·鮑爾,全球排名第一、最受尊敬的管理谘詢公司創始人 與德魯剋齊名的現代管理谘詢之父 西門子、奔馳、殼牌等著名公司CEO的精神導師 哈佛領導力教席以他的名字命名 《麥肯锡本色...
圖書標籤: 管理 谘詢 商業 領導力 傳記 計劃 文學/傳記 谘詢行業
From McKinsey
評分From McKinsey
評分From McKinsey
評分From McKinsey
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