Patty McCord served as chief talent officer of Netflix for fourteen years and helped create the Netflix Culture Deck. Since it was first posted on the web, the Culture Deck has been viewed more than 15 million times, and Sheryl Sandberg has said that it "may be the most important document ever to come out of Silicon Valley." Patty participated in IPOs at Netflix and, before that, Pure Atria Software. A veteran of Sun Microsystems, Borland, and Seagate Technologies, she has also worked with small start-ups. Her background includes staffing, diversity, communications, and international human resources positions.
Currently, Patty coaches and advises a small group of companies and entrepreneurs on culture and leadership. She also speaks to groups and teams around the world.
Named by The Washington Post as one of the 11 Leadership Books to Read in 2018 When it comes to recruiting, motivating, and creating great teams, Patty McCord says most companies have it all wrong. McCord helped create the unique and high-performing culture at Netflix, where she was chief talent officer. In her new book, Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility, she shares what she learned there and elsewhere in Silicon Valley.
McCord advocates practicing radical honesty in the workplace, saying good-bye to employees who don't fit the company's emerging needs, and motivating with challenging work, not promises, perks, and bonus plans. McCord argues that the old standbys of corporate HR--annual performance reviews, retention plans, employee empowerment and engagement programs--often end up being a colossal waste of time and resources. Her road-tested advice, offered with humor and irreverence, provides readers a different path for creating a culture of high performance and profitability.
Powerful will change how you think about work and the way a business should be run.
Powerful 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
印象最深刻的就是——坦誠!坦誠!坦誠!最最最重要! 無論是公司當前現狀、年度目標、未來戰略、內部問題、外部競爭,還是在組織管理、團隊建設、招聘等都是建立在坦誠基礎上的,管理層和基層員工之間、部門領導和團隊成員之間充分的溝通,有效的溝通,確保每個部門/team的人...
評分首先說明一點,奇葩這個詞兒原本是褒義。奈飛的人力資源實踐,有不少特立獨行的理念和做法,很值得仔細咂摸。 粗讀的時候,我起瞭個將奈飛與榖歌的實踐進行對比的念頭。《奈飛文化手冊》和《重新定義團隊》這兩本書都是由公司的cho撰寫,結構清晰,每章最後都有幾條原則的總結...
評分 評分首先說明一點,奇葩這個詞兒原本是褒義。奈飛的人力資源實踐,有不少特立獨行的理念和做法,很值得仔細咂摸。 粗讀的時候,我起瞭個將奈飛與榖歌的實踐進行對比的念頭。《奈飛文化手冊》和《重新定義團隊》這兩本書都是由公司的cho撰寫,結構清晰,每章最後都有幾條原則的總結...
評分首先說明一點,奇葩這個詞兒原本是褒義。奈飛的人力資源實踐,有不少特立獨行的理念和做法,很值得仔細咂摸。 粗讀的時候,我起瞭個將奈飛與榖歌的實踐進行對比的念頭。《奈飛文化手冊》和《重新定義團隊》這兩本書都是由公司的cho撰寫,結構清晰,每章最後都有幾條原則的總結...
圖書標籤: 管理 HR 商業 Netflix 英文原著 商業運營 互聯網 文化
Netflix 前HR寫的書, 非常有名的 "culture deck"的寬展版,很多公司(包括敝司)都從中吸取若乾方案,但沒有那麼extreme. 書中不少建議對公司對員工都很中肯,可以看看
評分奈飛在人力資源方麵的幾個顛覆性理念:1. 招進來的每一個員工都是有權力的 2.最吸引優秀員工的不是薪酬福利,而是工作本身,以及他們可以跟同樣優秀的人一起共事 3. 最好的培訓是給員工有挑戰的工作任務,讓員工在實際工作中學習和成長,一項任務做完瞭,對員工的培訓也就結束瞭。 4. 人力資源的核心任務就是打造高績效的企業文化,有瞭高績效,纔能吸引最優秀的人纔,挽留住那些最優秀的員工。5. 在績效管理方麵,奈飛也不是像很多公司那樣,每年進行一次年終評估和反饋,而是平時不定期進行反饋。奈飛的兩個有代錶性的文化準則:1. 信任和極端誠實(沒有報銷審批製度,領導力調研投票實名製)2. 完全溝通(讓公司的每個員工都充分理解業務,隨便問一位員工,公司近期最重要的幾件事是什麼。如果答不齣來,則溝通還不夠詳盡。)
評分Netflix 前HR寫的書, 非常有名的 "culture deck"的寬展版,很多公司(包括敝司)都從中吸取若乾方案,但沒有那麼extreme. 書中不少建議對公司對員工都很中肯,可以看看
Powerful 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載