Yunxiang Yan is Professor of Anthropology at the University of California at Los Angeles.
Chinese society has seen phenomenal change in the last 30 years. Two of the most profound changes have been the rise of the individual in both public and private spheres and the consequent individualisation of Chinese society itself. Yet, despite China's recent dramatic entrance into global politics and economics, neither of these significant shifts has been fully analysed. China presents an alternative model of social transformation in the age of globalisation; therefore, its path to development may have particular implications for the developing world.
The Individualization of Chinese Society reveals how individual agency has been on the rise since the 1970s and how this has affected everyday life and Chinese society more broadly. The book presents a wide range of detailed case studies focusing on the impact of economic policy, patterns of kinship, changes in marriage relations and the socio-economic position of women, the development of youth culture, the politics of consumerism, and shifting power relations in everyday life.
Exploring the rise of the individual in both rural and urban settings, The Individualization of Chinese Society provides a detailed overview of this major social phenomenon and its wider implications.
About the Author/Editor
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評分本書的主要視角是中國農村,其在社會變革中發生的一些變化。 建國以前,人們的生活身份是“某一傢族的一員”,個體因“傢族”而存在,因傢族而被尊重或被奴役。可以說,人們生活在“祖蔭”下。我的身份是:x傢的兒子 而建國後,打到封建殘餘以及“社會主義化”的生活方式使得大...
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評分個體化的五個緯度—— 1.個體化的製度條件 2.個體化的能動性和自主性 3.國傢在個體化中的強勢角色【關鍵性作用】 ①改革開放打破瞭過去的權力體係,在製度上為個體的崛起創造瞭條件 ②國傢不僅在個體的發展方麵發揮瞭重要作用,而且通過劃定界限和製定規範來管理個體化進程。農...
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圖書標籤: 人類學 社會學 閻雲翔 海外中國研究 Sociology 中國 英文原版 Anthropology
評分閻雲翔先生是我們讀過的中國學者中寫得相當不錯的一位 但是中國學者寫中國總有種說不清楚的 "within and without"的非遠非近感
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