Born in Algeria in 1913, Albert Camus published The Stranger—now one of the most widely read novels of this century—in 1942. Celebrated in intellectual circles, Camus was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. On January 4, 1960, he was killed in a car accident.
One of the most influential works of this century, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays is a crucial exposition of existentialist thought. Influenced by works such as Don Juan and the novels of Kafka, these essays begin with a meditation on suicide; the question of living or not living in a universe devoid of order or meaning. With lyric eloquence, Albert Camus brilliantly posits a way out of despair, reaffirming the value of personal existence, and the possibility of life lived with dignity and authenticity.
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手邊讀加繆的《西西弗神話》已經數日,頗覺思考之酸甜苦辣鹹,盡有百味雜陳之感,年少時熹讀哲理,年紀愈長愈發喜歡偷懶,不思考,然而,每每思考之後,特彆是佛傢所雲之“想通”之後,便又覺得渾身舒暢瞭。 如加繆所寫西西弗那般因被神懲罰而推動那永遠都會滾下山的巨石這種...
評分 評分大約在八九歲時,我從希臘羅馬神話故事裏讀到他的故事時,就覺得西西弗斯真是很神,要是有一天他偷一下懶,不去推石頭,是不是世界就會改變瞭?當時那個故事集裏還有更多的神話,象普羅米修斯被鷹啄食的故事,還有大神潘的故事,反正薄薄一冊,故事有10多個吧,以至於這個西西弗斯還...
評分尼采說,上帝死瞭。 建立在基督教信仰基礎上的價值體係訇然崩塌,存在的茫然、生存的無望、自由的迷惘使人陷入無措的境地,存在主義因此試圖為其尋找齣路。不知何所從來何所終,在今天我們依然可以看到種種19世紀的人們的睏境,對人的生存狀況之熱切關注是今天重讀加繆的理由...
評分圖書標籤: 哲學 加繆 Camus AlbertCamus 存在主義 法國 philosophy 英文原版 拋磚引玉分享一下我講Absurd Reasoning的課件^_^
評分所附采訪裏他說 “Not through virtue, as you see, but through a sort of almost organic intolerance, which you feel or do not feel. “ 愛一個人的作品,之後往往會發現可能是因為作者本質上和自己是一類人,是好事還是壞事呢。Nevertheless the book resonated with me so much that I almost cried at the end.
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