Amanda Ripley is the author of THE SMARTEST KIDS IN THE WORLD--and How They Got That Way, a New York Times bestseller. Her first book, THE UNTHINKABLE: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes--and Why, was published in 15 countries and turned into a PBS documentary. Her work has helped Time win two National Magazine Awards. She currently writes feature stories for the Atlantic, the Washington Post, Politico and other national outlets.
hrough the compelling stories of three American teenagers living abroad and attending the world’s top-notch public high schools, an investigative reporter explains how these systems cultivate the “smartest” kids on the planet.
How Do Other Countries Create “Smarter” Kids?
In a handful of nations, virtually all children are learning to make complex arguments and solve problems they’ve never seen before. They are learning to think, in other words, and to thrive in the modern economy.
What is it like to be a child in the world’s new education superpowers?
In a global quest to find answers for our own children, author and Time magazine journalist Amanda Ripley follows three Americans embedded in these countries for one year. Kim, fifteen, raises $10,000 so she can move from Oklahoma to Finland; Eric, eighteen, exchanges a high-achieving Minnesota suburb for a booming city in South Korea; and Tom, seventeen, leaves a historic Pennsylvania village for Poland.
Through these young informants, Ripley meets battle-scarred reformers, sleep-deprived zombie students, and a teacher who earns $4 million a year. Their stories, along with groundbreaking research into learning in other cultures, reveal a pattern of startling transformation: none of these countries had many “smart” kids a few decades ago. Things had changed. Teaching had become more rigorous; parents had focused on things that m
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評分 評分書的標題很容易誤導讀者,讓人以為這是本講如何培養小孩的書。我倒是知道其內容纔買的,不過也還是想通過瞭解不同教育體製的優劣而選擇教育孩子的辦法。但總的來說,此書對這個目的基本是全無幫助的。 本書構思的起點就是美國初級教育體製的失敗(光是這一點倒是值得國內很多...
評分我是一個傳統的中國人,曾經也經曆過傳統的中國教育,十二年寒窗苦讀隻為高考,最近在網上看到高考加工廠毛坦廠中學的紀錄片,看的我心驚膽戰,就算時光倒流我也不願意再迴到那些個讓我噩夢連連的備戰高考的日子。 我和本書中主角之一金是完全不一樣的學生,當然...
評分和那位 @kindle閱讀者 一樣,我也是一位 new father,也是衝著書名去看這本書的,也是在kindle上看的。 結果,這是一本探討美國教育製度問題和改革的書,讓我想到瞭 The house of cards 有沒有……幾個案例,加上作者的一通分析,一本書就這麼成(PIAN)瞭(QIAN)……居然還上瞭...
圖書標籤: 教育 育兒 英文原版 英文 科學和心理學 社會 英文版 睡前讀物
polen stronk!!
評分挺有趣的 把美國的教育現狀描寫得挺清晰 不過對PISA的權威性太依賴瞭 這個測試也不一定多準確
評分first it presents PISA, then describe different students and educations in different countries: Korea, US, Poland and Finland, what kind of education is better?
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