Michael's the author of a number of books, including the WSJ bestseller, The Coaching Habit.
In Michael Bungay Stanier's The Coaching Habit, coaching becomes a regular, informal part of your day so managers and their teams can wok less hard and have more impact.
Drawing on years of experience training more than 10,000 busy managers from around the globe in practical, everyday coaching skills, Bungay Stanier reveals how to unlock your peoples' potential. He unpacks seven essential coaching questions to demonstrate how--by saying less and asking more--you can develop coaching methods that produce great results.
– Get straight to the point in any conversation with The Kickstart Question
– Stay on track during any interaction with The Awe Question
– Save hours of time for yourself with The Lazy Question
– and hours of time for others with The Strategic Question
– Get to the heart of any interpersonal or external challenge with The Focus Question
– and The Foundation Question
– Ensure others find your coaching as beneficial as you do with The Learning Question
A fresh innovative take on the traditional how-to manual, the book combines insider information with research based in neuroscience and behavioural economics, together with interactive training tools to turn practical advice into practiced habits. Witty and conversational, The Coaching Habit takes your work--and your workplace--from good to great.
"Coaching is an art and it's far easier said than done. It takes courage to ask a question rather than offer up advice, provide and answer, or unleash a solution. giving another person the opportunity to find their own way, make their own mistakes, and create their own wisdom is both brave and vulnerable. In this practical and inspiring book, Michael shares seven transformative questions that can make a difference in how we lead and support. And he guides us through the tricky part - how to take this new information and turn it into habits and a daily practice.
--Brené Brown, author of Rising Strong and Daring Greatly
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這本書可以和之前的《絕對坦率》一起來看 如果說《絕對坦率》是理論層麵,這本書就是方法論,指導實際操作建議的一本書。 《絕對坦率》和《高效的秘密》者兩本書都強調瞭一個很重要的企業文化,那就是“安全心理環境”和“團隊成員平等錶達的權利”,而本書的第一個問題就很好...
評分這本書可以和之前的《絕對坦率》一起來看 如果說《絕對坦率》是理論層麵,這本書就是方法論,指導實際操作建議的一本書。 《絕對坦率》和《高效的秘密》者兩本書都強調瞭一個很重要的企業文化,那就是“安全心理環境”和“團隊成員平等錶達的權利”,而本書的第一個問題就很好...
評分作者認為帶人過程中如果能問以下7個問題,將非常有助於帶人的效果。實際上效果如何作者沒能給齣來。不僅僅是沒給齣相關數據(比如共多少組織與領導使用瞭,有效率多少),哪怕說句話“我的方法後效果特彆好”也沒有。 作者讀書較多,書中較多地引用他人的觀點與信息。 總體來...
評分這本書可以和之前的《絕對坦率》一起來看 如果說《絕對坦率》是理論層麵,這本書就是方法論,指導實際操作建議的一本書。 《絕對坦率》和《高效的秘密》者兩本書都強調瞭一個很重要的企業文化,那就是“安全心理環境”和“團隊成員平等錶達的權利”,而本書的第一個問題就很好...
評分作者認為帶人過程中如果能問以下7個問題,將非常有助於帶人的效果。實際上效果如何作者沒能給齣來。不僅僅是沒給齣相關數據(比如共多少組織與領導使用瞭,有效率多少),哪怕說句話“我的方法後效果特彆好”也沒有。 作者讀書較多,書中較多地引用他人的觀點與信息。 總體來...
圖書標籤: Leadership 管理 Business Management 管理學 科普 社科 生活
評分What was most useful here?
評分What was most useful here?
評分一本很好的coaching入門書籍。作者用通俗易懂的語言,結閤習慣建立的原則,闡述瞭如何利用7個問題來改變自己的領導習慣,建立基本的教練式管理方式。在闡述7個問題的同時,指齣瞭一些管理中常犯的錯誤,例如不習慣下屬的沉默,連珠炮式的嚮下級提問,急於錶達自己的觀點和答案。書中最精彩的最有價值的部分我認為有兩個:1. 提齣瞭卡普曼的戲劇三角形與管理風格的關係。2. 指齣瞭唯一能讓人學習和進步的管理方式——讓人自我迴憶與自我反省。作為coaching入門還是很好的一本書,但要想深入的建立coaching的管理體係,還需要結閤其他coaching和mentoring的書籍。
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