阿蘭·德波頓(Alain de Botton),英倫纔子型作傢,生於1969年,畢業於劍橋大學,現住倫敦。著有小說《愛情筆記》(1993)、《愛上浪漫》(1994)、《親吻與述說》(1995)及散文作品《擁抱逝水年華》(1997)、《哲學的慰藉》(2000)、《旅行的藝術》(2002)、《身份的焦慮》(2004)、《無聊的魅力》(2005)、《幸福的建築》(2007)、《工作頌歌》(2009)、《機場裏的小旅行》(2009)、《寫給無神論者》(2012)、《新聞的騷動》(2015)。他的作品已被譯成二十幾種文字。
We all know the headiness and excitement of the early days of love. But what comes after? In Edinburgh, a couple, Rabih and Kirsten, fall in love. They get married, they have children—but no long-term relationship is as simple as “happily ever after.” The Course of Love is a novel that explores what happens after the birth of love, what it takes to maintain love, and what happens to our original ideals under the pressures of an average existence. You experience, along with Rabih and Kirsten, the first flush of infatuation, the effortlessness of falling into romantic love, and the course of life thereafter. Interwoven with their story and its challenges is an overlay of philosophy—an annotation and a guide to what we are reading.
This is a Romantic novel in the true sense, one interested in exploring how love can survive and thrive in the long term. The result is a sensory experience—fictional, philosophical, psychological—that urges us to identify deeply with these characters, and to reflect on his and her own experiences in love. Fresh, visceral, and utterly compelling, The Course of Love is a provocative and life-affirming novel for everyone who believes in love.
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在看其他心理學小說的時候,我會不由自主地被情節帶入,進而開始自我剖析。邊讀邊自我檢視和反思的過程往往帶給我很多領悟。但是這一次不同。 看這本書時,我的內心是抗拒的,用心理學的話來說,這是遇到瞭“阻抗”。書中描寫夫妻間衝突、爭執、冷戰等情節的時候,仿佛把我父母...
評分在看其他心理學小說的時候,我會不由自主地被情節帶入,進而開始自我剖析。邊讀邊自我檢視和反思的過程往往帶給我很多領悟。但是這一次不同。 看這本書時,我的內心是抗拒的,用心理學的話來說,這是遇到瞭“阻抗”。書中描寫夫妻間衝突、爭執、冷戰等情節的時候,仿佛把我父母...
評分在大部分愛情故事中,王子和公主經曆重重險阻之後,有情人終成眷屬之後就會戛然而止,以一句“live happily ever after(從此幸福的生活在一起)”草草結束。就好像這倆人不是結婚、而是死後上瞭天堂一樣(可能講齣“婚姻是愛情的墳墓”的人也是這樣想的)。這些從孩提時代就讀...
圖書標籤: 愛情 阿蘭·德波頓 Alaim_de_Botton 心理學 英文原版 英國 小說 文學
"The trick is perhaps not to start a new life but to learn to reconsider the old one with less jaded and habituated eyes." 德波頓用副標題說這是一本小說,但其實還是一本愛情隨筆,從《愛情筆記》再到這本書的調調,讀起來總是愉快的。
評分Love and/or romance.
評分Little aesthetic claim. Some great truths in the wake of a kind of middle-aged pragmatic pessimism. This makes me dread marriage and maturity. ????
評分A must-read before you decide to tie the knot.
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