包弼德(Peter K. Bol)是美国哈佛大学东亚语言与文明系的查理斯•卡威尔(Charles H. Carswell)讲座教授,他同时也主持哈佛大学《中国历史地理信息系统》(Chinese Historical GIS) 以及《中国历代人物传记资料库》(Chinese Biographical Database)等大型数据库的建设工作。其著作包括 This Culture of Ours: Intellectual Transitions in T'ang and Sung China (1992,中译本《斯文:唐宋思想的转型》),并合编Emperor Huizong and Late Northern Song China: The Politics of Culture and the Culture of Politics (2006) 以及Confucianism and Ecology (1998) 等书。包弼德最近十余年的研究专注于讨论理学的历史角色,以及从地方史的视角出发探讨中国社会文化的变迁。
Neo-Confucianism in History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《历史上的理学》是第一部在公元11世纪至17世纪的政治、经济、社会和文化变迁的大背景下,详细地阐释理学的萌发、兴盛和末落的著作。 包弼德教授在进行这项研究方面具有得天独厚的优势。他对于中国政治史和社会经济史领域的前沿进展有深透的了解。他严谨地将理学界定为一种道德...
评分新書資訊:历史上的理学(包弼德) 历史上的理学(社会经济史译丛)(Neo-Confucianism in History) 作者:(美国)包弼德(Peter K. Bol) 译者:(新加坡)王昌伟 基本信息 ·出版社:浙江大学出版社 ·页码:307 页 ·出版日期:2010年01月 ·ISBN:9787308072106 ·条形码:9787308...
评分新書資訊:历史上的理学(包弼德) 历史上的理学(社会经济史译丛)(Neo-Confucianism in History) 作者:(美国)包弼德(Peter K. Bol) 译者:(新加坡)王昌伟 基本信息 ·出版社:浙江大学出版社 ·页码:307 页 ·出版日期:2010年01月 ·ISBN:9787308072106 ·条形码:9787308...
评分 评分中国人在回顾历史时,最喜欢称引大唐盛世,但真正影响后世至为深远的,却是两宋奠定的政治和文化体系——借用严复的名言:“中国所以成为今日现象者,为善为恶姑不具论,而为宋人所造就,什九可断言也。”而宋朝的遗产中,最为重要的,无疑是理学:一定程度上正是它形塑了此后...
图书标签: 思想史 海外中国研究 理学 Bol 历史 包弼德 社会史 海外漢學
Where does Neo-Confucianism - a movement that from the twelfth to the seventeenth centuries profoundly influenced the way people understood the world and responded to it - fit into our story of China's history?This interpretive, at times polemical, inquiry into the Neo-Confucian engagement with the literati as the social and political elite, local society, and the imperial state during the Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties is also a reflection on the role of the middle period in China's history. The book argues that as Neo-Confucians put their philosophy of learning into practice in local society, they justified a new social ideal in which society at the local level was led by the literati with state recognition and support. The later imperial order, in which the state accepted local elite leadership as necessary to its own existence, survived even after Neo-Confucianism lost its hold on the center of intellectual culture in the seventeenth century but continued as the foundation of local education. It is the contention of this book that Neo-Confucianism made that order possible.
评分有传统地在最后说了些我爱听的. 三天四夜读完.
评分strong, strong, and strong, both philosophically and historically. a great contextualization of ideas and human thinking as a historical subject following "this culture of ours." he is too strong to be imitated. one got to find one's own philosophy in order to be as insightful as him.
Neo-Confucianism in History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书