DR. NATHAN MYHRVOLD is chief executive officer and a founder of Intellectual Ventures. Before founding his invention company, Myhrvold was the first chief technology officer at Microsoft. He left Microsoft in 1999 to pursue several interests, including a lifelong interest in cooking and food science. Myhrvold competed on a team that won first place in several categories at the 1991 World Championship of Barbecue, including first prize in the special pasta category for a recipe that Myhrvold developed on the day of the contest.
After working for two years as a stagier at Seattle's top French restaurant, Rover's, Myhrvold completed culinary training with renowned chef Anne Willan at the Ecole De La Varenne. In addition, he has worked as Chief Gastronomic Officer for Zagat Survey, publisher of the popular Zagat restaurant guidebooks. Through his many visits to the world's top restaurants, Myhrvold has become personally acquainted with many of the leading modernist chefs and the science-inspired cooking techniques they have pioneered.
Myhrvold's formal education includes degrees in mathematics, geophysics, and space physics from UCLA, and Ph.D.s in mathematical economics and theoretical physics from Princeton University. In his postdoctoral work at Cambridge University, Myhrvold worked on quantum theories of gravity with the renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking.
CHRIS YOUNG opened the experimental kitchen at The Fat Duck and worked under world-famous chef Heston Blumenthal to oversee development of his most innovative dishes. With degrees in mathematics and biochemistry from the University of Washington, Young oversees original experiments and recipe development for The Cooking Lab.
MAXIME BILET was educated in the humanities at Skidmore College and graduated with highest honors from the Institute of Culinary Education in New York. Before joining the culinary team at The Cooking Lab, Bilet completed stages at Jack's Luxury Oyster Bar, The Fat Duck, and Auberge de l'Ile in London.
Modernist Cuisine 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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评分很高兴的告诉大家中文版今年5月份将问世 我们在出版英文版之后得到了广大艺术图书的爱好者以及美食家对此书的青睐 13年4月份我们与版权方签订中文版出版协议以来 不断有热心爱好者打来订购电话,如有兴趣了解印刷进程可加微信咨询 wwwbgs
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评分图书标签: 美食 科学烹饪 science&cooking 烹饪 饮食 西餐 料理 科普
《现代主义烹饪:美食的艺术与科学》(Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking),这本书将颠覆大众对厨房的理解,用美轮美奂的图片带领您进入现代摄影技术下的饕餮世界。
高科技厨房烹制出的美食一定是不一般的,请全世界的人们都来品尝貌似不太现实。不过,出版一套配有烹饪摄影的精美食谱,让远在千里之外的人们也能欣赏到这些曼妙的佳肴,这还是可行。于是,梅尔沃德团队的大作《现代主义烹饪:美食的艺术与科学》(Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking)在一番努力后于今年3月出炉了。《现代主义烹饪》全套五册,厚达2438页,包括从近15万幅照片中精选出来的3216张美图与超过1500种美食的菜谱,其中约380种是有实例的,有兴趣的话,你可以依样画葫芦。
作者纳森•梅尔沃德(Nathan Myhrvold)曾任微软副总裁兼首席技术官,他带领一个由顶级厨师、化学家和物理学家组成的团队,历时三年创作出这本令人大开眼界的现代美食主义图书。这本书充分展现烹饪艺术的创造力,并且以图文并茂的方式引导着你一步一步的来实现它们。通过三千多幅精美的原创照片和图表,让烹饪艺术的科学与技术变得鲜活起来,让食物香浓细腻的口感通过令人惊艳的光影展现在您面前。令人惊叹的摄影新技术为您展示出食物的内部状况:您可以看到烹调的全过程,小至肉类纤维的微观变化,大到整个锅的横断面。读过这本书之后,对烹饪和饮食的看法将会打开一个全新的视角。全书一套6本。
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评分會燒飯是區分人類和別的動物的標準之一。尊重和正確使用食材,也是我們敬畏自然的重要方式。這是一本每個想下厨的人必讀的一本書,力薦。 @2014-09-30 05:31:29
评分最近全部看完了 纯欣赏 当趣味性画册看的..不打算实践 因为根本学不会 看大家high就行了.. 我姐说给几个小朋友的土豆泥按这里的方案 最近蹭实在是好吃得停不下来 这是我找到这套集子的最初原因
Modernist Cuisine 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书