Ian Morris teaches classics, history, and archaeology at Stanford University. Born in Stoke-on-Trent in 1960, he now lives in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California. He has directed excavations in Greece and Italy, and has published 11 books and more than 80 articles. His most recent book, "Why the West Rules--For Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future" (Profile Books, 2010), tells the stories of East and West across 15,000 years, from the final days of the Ice Age into the 22nd century, explaining why the West came to dominate the rest--and what will happen next. His next book, called "War! What is It Good For?" will look at war from prehuman times to our own, making two controversial claims--first, that war has helped humanity as well as harming it; and second, that war is now changing out of all recognition.
This biography was provided by the author or their representative.
Like most of us living in the West I have have pondered this question from time to time. Why did the west come out in front, and will it last? Should we all start learning Chinese? And was it inevitable - were Westerners more open-minded, or harder working, or were we just super-lucky to have had the industrial revolution? Or was it simply the work of exceptional people such as Julius Caesar, James Watt or Columbus?
Morris looks at this from a different angle. He uses an index of social development to analyse how societies have risen and fallen (including energy capture, organisation/urbanisation, war-making and information technology). But most importantly he tells a brilliant story of global history. It's a big book, but it has to be, to cover its full scope.
Part history, part archaeology, part geography, part biology and part sociology it is the work of a real polymath. It's incredibly readable too, beginning with a terrific fantasy of how things might have been. I didn't agree with all of it but it's still the best history book I've read this year. You may guess that I felt stongly about this book.
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此文已刊於2011年9月19日《南方都市報》,有刪節。 盡管美國的霸主地位日漸衰落,中印等東方古國重新崛起,西方依舊統治著這個世界。經濟生産能力直接體現瞭西方在全球的統治優勢。上世紀五十年代,鳥類學傢戴濛德(Jared Diamond)在巴布幾內亞的叢林觀察動物行為,與...
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評分東西方文明的大分流,是學界至今爭論不休的話題。概括起來,分“長期決定派”和“短期決定派”。 在長期決定派看來,西方超越東方是曆史的必然,這是西方文化的根性所決定的,偉大的馬剋斯•韋伯和湯因比都傾嚮於這個觀點,按這個理路,除徹底放棄東方文明,或僅僅把它變成...
圖書標籤: 曆史 世界曆史 英文原版 文化 比較曆史 最好的一本比較分析東西方文明的專著 東西方文明對比 English
評分A very good history book that put East on par with West
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