陳一鳴(Chade-Meng Tan)
新加坡裔榖歌元老級工程師,IQ高達156,天纔型EQ達人,是榖歌最知名的“開心一哥”。他憑藉與《情商》作者丹尼爾•戈爾曼、禪師諾曼•費雪、多傢企業CEO、斯坦福大學科學傢等重量級大腕創立的這門偉大的情商課爆紅於矽榖,並輻射到全球各地。凡到訪榖歌總部的名人政要都與他閤照,纔算“到此一遊”,這已成瞭榖歌的傳統。至今他已與奧巴馬、剋林頓、索羅斯等幾百位名人閤照!榖歌特彆為他開闢瞭一麵“鳴”人牆(Meng's Wall)來張貼這些照片。
他曾兩度登上《紐約時報》頭版,並受邀美國白宮、聯閤國大會、柏林世界和平大會與TED大會發錶演說。目前他任職榖歌人力資源部,負責榖歌 EDU個人成長項目,從一名成功的軟件工程師變成榖歌“靈魂工程師”——他將自己的工作描述為“啓迪心靈,敞開心扉,共創世界和平”。
From the ground-breaking offices of Google, 'Search Inside Yourself' is a personal growth program that focuses on developing emotional intelligence through mindfulness, making its participants more productive at work and better leaders, while becoming more peaceful, happy and compassionate individuals. Famed for its innovative and unusual, yet highly successful working culture, Google is more than just a search engine. One such innovation is the' Search Inside Yourself' program, created for Google by a diverse group of individuals including a Zen Master, a CEO, a Stanford University scientist, and author Daniel Goleman, it's been a life changing program for many participants, contributing to great improvements in both their personal and professional lives. 'Search Inside Yourself' has been taught in Google since 2007 producing dramatic results. Some participants have found new meaning and fulfilment in their jobs (one person changed her mind about leaving the company after taking the course!) Some have become much better at what they do; one engineering manager discovered the importance of giving himself quality time and reduced his working hours to four days a week. After he did that, he got promoted! Some have become more effective managers, learning to listen and communicate better and bringing a calm attitude to every situation. Not surprisingly, many people found 'Search Inside Yourself' to be beneficial in their personal lives as well. Many participants found they were happier and less-stressed, their marital relationships improved and some even said the program helped them deal with personal crises. This book will show you how to apply the principles of 'Search Inside Yourself' to you, your business and everyday life. Whether you are a junior team member or a senior manager, a secondary school teacher or a bus driver these valuable lessons have the potential to dramatically improve your life. Written by Chade-Meng Tan, the first engineer in Google's history to leave the Engineering department and join their Peoples Ops Group, where he leads this and other personal-growth programs. It also includes a foreword by Daniel Goleman, the author of Emotional Intelligence and introduction from Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Wherever You Go, There You Are.
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其實這本書還沒有好到讓我很想寫書評的地步,可能更值3星,但就為瞭P95這句話摘錄一下,因為這句話評價上升至4。 這句給我最深啓發的話是: 練習放下關鍵是要放下兩件事情:執著和抗拒。執著就是內心拼命地抓牢某件事,拒絕放手。抗拒是內心拼命地避開某件事,拒絕麵對和接受。...
評分用開放的心態看自己和世界,是一種生活的態度。之所以用再次改變你的情商這個標題黨,是因為有關情商、情緒以及非理性行為的圖書作品實在是太多瞭。 《矽榖最受歡迎的情商課》作者談到的培養情商的方法,是由注意力開始的。 注意力是個人一切理性行為的源泉。有關這個觀點《...
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評分宗薩蔣揚欽哲仁波切的《正見》,是我非常喜歡的書,曾經反復看過多遍,我對情緒的覺知,就是從這本書裏學來。如果說弱點,就是這本書隻是講道理,需要有悟性的人纔能懂得。 《矽榖最受歡迎的情商課》是講正見、正念的方法。所以,我覺得,這兩本書,可以配閤閱讀。 《正見》...
評分我對這本書非常有興趣 想知道哪裏可以看這本求 謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝...
圖書標籤: 心理學 心理 冥想 meditation mindfulness 陳一鳴 Google 情商
評分老美兩大愛好,逛gym和冥想,慢慢學 || 最近對工程師好感max,上學期被工程師齣身的老師虐得太慘瞭,不過也見識到經過科學思維訓練人就是不一般。這本書的好處是,糾正瞭我以為冥想是“迷信”的觀念。作者的頭銜增加瞭不少可信度。另外作者對達賴是真愛……|| 本書關於通過宣傳禪宗冥想的方法和優勢,來提高情緒智力(國內誤作“情商”)(這點還要繼續看文章解釋EQ和EI的區彆),從而提高每個人的Kindness,通過人們相互傳遞kindness,goodness來達到世界和平
評分有點辜負與Google的關聯,冥想的科學解釋有點少。中文版被封估計是裏麵點贊瞭達賴。 最有價值的是裏麵的各種練習,需要堅持去做
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