約翰·科特(John Kotter)哈佛商學院鬆下幸之助領導學教授。早年就讀於麻省理工學院和哈佛大學,1972年開始任教於哈佛商學院。1980年,時年33歲的他被商學院授予終身教授,成為哈佛大學曆史上獲此殊榮的最年輕的人之一。在過去的25年中,科特教授所著的書所獲的奬勵和榮譽比世界上任何其他人都多。在他的著作中,成為商業暢銷書的超過7部,其中包括: 《領導變革》、《企業文化和經營績效》以及《變革的力量:領導與管理的差異》。
現代企業的領導藝術 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
1. Why the leadership factor is especially important in nowadays. First, consider the environmental change. More international competition, more mature and deregulated market, and faster development of technology, all of these lead to higher level competiti...
評分1. Why the leadership factor is especially important in nowadays. First, consider the environmental change. More international competition, more mature and deregulated market, and faster development of technology, all of these lead to higher level competiti...
評分1. Why the leadership factor is especially important in nowadays. First, consider the environmental change. More international competition, more mature and deregulated market, and faster development of technology, all of these lead to higher level competiti...
評分1. Why the leadership factor is especially important in nowadays. First, consider the environmental change. More international competition, more mature and deregulated market, and faster development of technology, all of these lead to higher level competiti...
評分1. Why the leadership factor is especially important in nowadays. First, consider the environmental change. More international competition, more mature and deregulated market, and faster development of technology, all of these lead to higher level competiti...
圖書標籤: 管理 領導 領導力 管理學 電子書 企業管理 領導理論 經理人
現代企業的領導藝術 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載