织工马南 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
The yoke a man creates for himself by wrong-doing will breed hate in the kindliest nature; and the good-humored, affectionate-hearted Godfrey Cass was fast becoming a bitter man, visited by cruel wishes, that seemed to enter and depart, and enter again, lik...
评分The yoke a man creates for himself by wrong-doing will breed hate in the kindliest nature; and the good-humored, affectionate-hearted Godfrey Cass was fast becoming a bitter man, visited by cruel wishes, that seemed to enter and depart, and enter again, lik...
评分The yoke a man creates for himself by wrong-doing will breed hate in the kindliest nature; and the good-humored, affectionate-hearted Godfrey Cass was fast becoming a bitter man, visited by cruel wishes, that seemed to enter and depart, and enter again, lik...
评分The yoke a man creates for himself by wrong-doing will breed hate in the kindliest nature; and the good-humored, affectionate-hearted Godfrey Cass was fast becoming a bitter man, visited by cruel wishes, that seemed to enter and depart, and enter again, lik...
评分G.E的作品是非常值得一读的,但很多都是大部头作品,语言也比较复杂。Silas Marner 是个例外,薄薄一本,语言 情节都相对简单,很适合想了解G.E作为破冰之书。 虽然简单,但并不妨碍读者感受G.E的魅力。字里行间,读者可以深刻地感受到G.E对生活深挚的情感。纵然生活有许多不...
图书标签: 小说 乔治爱略特 英国 英国文学 织工马南 乔治·爱略特 George-Eliot 文学
在19世纪早期的英国僻静的乡村,生活有着一成不变的模式。四季交替,对于住在大房子里的乡绅及其全家和对于住在小草屋里的村民们来说都是一样的。任何新鲜和古怪的事情在像瑞福洛这样的村庄里都会遭到猜疑。 织工西拉斯·马南就很古怪。他独自居住,没人知道他的家庭情况。如果你不知道他的父母是谁你怎么能够信任他呢?他脸色苍白,眼神怪异,并且总是瞪着眼睛,因为他每天都要在织机上干很长时间的活,甚至星期天也干,而星期天他应该去教堂。他一定是魔鬼的朋友,村民们相互这么说。 可怜的西拉斯!他是一个忧伤、孤独的人,他唯一的朋友就是那些闪光的金币,那是他织布挣来的,被他藏在地板下面。但是变故总会发生,即使在瑞福洛这样安静的村庄里。乡绅的两个儿子之间有一个秘密,这导致争吵、抢夺,以及死亡。那是在一个下雪的夜晚,在离西拉斯的草屋不远的地方……
织工马南 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书