Prasenjit Duara is the Raffles Professor of Humanities and Director of the Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore. He received his PhD in Chinese history from Harvard University, and taught at the University of Chicago between 1991 and 2008, where he served as Professor and Chair of the Department of History and Chair of the Committee on Chinese Studies. In 1988, he published Culture, Power and the State: Rural North China, 1900–1942, which won the Fairbank Prize of the American Historical Association and the Levenson Prize of the Association of Asian Studies, USA. Among his other books are: Rescuing History from the Nation (1995); Sovereignty and Authenticity: Manchukuo and the East Asian Modern (2003); an edited volume, Decolonization: Now and Then (2004); and A Companion to Global Historical Thought, co-edited with Viren Murthy and Andrew Sartori (2014). His work has been widely translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and several European languages.
In this major new study, Prasenjit Duara expands his influential theoretical framework to present circulatory, transnational histories as an alternative to nationalist history. Duara argues that the present day is defined by the intersection of three global changes: the rise of non-western powers, the crisis of environmental sustainability and the loss of authoritative sources of what he terms transcendence - the ideals, principles and ethics once found in religions or political ideologies. The physical salvation of the world is becoming - and must become - the transcendent goal of our times, but this goal must transcend national sovereignty if it is to succeed. Duara suggests that a viable foundation for sustainability might be found in the traditions of Asia, which offer different ways of understanding the relationship between the personal, ecological and universal. These traditions must be understood through the ways they have circulated and converged with contemporary developments.
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這本書據說是duara嘔心瀝血之作,文中不僅對很多核心概念進行瞭重新定義,比如何為超越性,兩種超越性的區分,當代超越性的排他性和全球化的曆史兼容性矛盾等等,足見功力。Duara批判繼承Weber的曆史社會學,重視刻畫概念和社會曆史因素的互動。 所謂批判的繼承...
評分(本文作者董牧孜,2018年4月原載香港01哲學頻道,原標題為《歷史學傢杜贊奇:以循環歷史挑戰發展主義》) 熟悉印度裔歷史學傢、漢學傢杜贊奇的人,必定知道他的代錶作《從民族國傢拯救歷史》(Rescuing History from the Nation: Questioning Narratives of Modern China)。...
評分這本書據說是duara嘔心瀝血之作,文中不僅對很多核心概念進行瞭重新定義,比如何為超越性,兩種超越性的區分,當代超越性的排他性和全球化的曆史兼容性矛盾等等,足見功力。Duara批判繼承Weber的曆史社會學,重視刻畫概念和社會曆史因素的互動。 所謂批判的繼承...
評分這本書據說是duara嘔心瀝血之作,文中不僅對很多核心概念進行瞭重新定義,比如何為超越性,兩種超越性的區分,當代超越性的排他性和全球化的曆史兼容性矛盾等等,足見功力。Duara批判繼承Weber的曆史社會學,重視刻畫概念和社會曆史因素的互動。 所謂批判的繼承...
評分這本書據說是duara嘔心瀝血之作,文中不僅對很多核心概念進行瞭重新定義,比如何為超越性,兩種超越性的區分,當代超越性的排他性和全球化的曆史兼容性矛盾等等,足見功力。Duara批判繼承Weber的曆史社會學,重視刻畫概念和社會曆史因素的互動。 所謂批判的繼承...
圖書標籤: 現代性 杜贊奇 全球史 海外中國研究 modernity 政治學 政治 社會學
老杜這書野心很大,涉及的時期區域實在太廣,主題有點不集中,或者說,主題太大,下麵太多覆蓋的內容難以照顧。問題意識在於,西方現代性以及民族國傢/全球化競爭體製導緻瞭全球生態危機且無力剋服。針對這一根本危機,老杜拋齣瞭兩個概念:circulatory history和(Asian)transcendence。前者注重思想、物質、行動的跨區域多層次聯結而解構支撐民族國傢的綫性/區彆史觀;後者重新思考亞洲的傳統宗教/思想資源如何在經曆現代性演化而仍保留超越現代性的可能。後一個題目實在太大,一方麵批判西方宗教的殘留/置換如何構成民族國傢的主權基礎(比如“政治神學”),一方麵又深入亞洲思想(儒學、佛學、印度教)證明其從前現代到當代一直有另類的文明能量。最後實際例子落到東盟,感覺說服力不強。
評分Asian dialogical transcendence as an alternative to Abrahamic exclusionary/confessionalized sacrality has the potential to provide hope for dealing with our modern environmental crisis, which cannot be solved under the global competitive nation-state structure.
評分(其實隻讀瞭一章)為什麼用東方宗教(?)講環保都不可避免地特彆有new agey神棍之感。
評分老杜這書野心很大,涉及的時期區域實在太廣,主題有點不集中,或者說,主題太大,下麵太多覆蓋的內容難以照顧。問題意識在於,西方現代性以及民族國傢/全球化競爭體製導緻瞭全球生態危機且無力剋服。針對這一根本危機,老杜拋齣瞭兩個概念:circulatory history和(Asian)transcendence。前者注重思想、物質、行動的跨區域多層次聯結而解構支撐民族國傢的綫性/區彆史觀;後者重新思考亞洲的傳統宗教/思想資源如何在經曆現代性演化而仍保留超越現代性的可能。後一個題目實在太大,一方麵批判西方宗教的殘留/置換如何構成民族國傢的主權基礎(比如“政治神學”),一方麵又深入亞洲思想(儒學、佛學、印度教)證明其從前現代到當代一直有另類的文明能量。最後實際例子落到東盟,感覺說服力不強。
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