As one of the most prestigious high schools in the nation, St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire, has long been the exclusive domain of America's wealthiest sons. But times have changed. Today, a new elite of boys and girls is being molded at St. Paul's, one that reflects the hope of openness but also the persistence of inequality. In "Privilege", Shamus Khan returns to his alma mater to provide an inside look at an institution that has been the private realm of the elite for the past 150 years. He shows that St. Paul's students continue to learn what they always have - how to embody privilege. Yet, while students once leveraged the trappings of upper-class entitlement, family connections, and high culture, current St. Paul's students learn to succeed in a more diverse environment. To be the future leaders of a more democratic world, they must be at ease with everything from highbrow art to everyday life - from Beowulf to Jaws - and view hierarchies as ladders to scale. Through deft portrayals of the relationships among students, faculty, and staff, Khan shows how members of the new elite face the opening of society while still preserving the advantages that allow them to rule.
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評分 評分作為一本社會學領域頗有名氣的著作,我隻能遺憾地說,閱讀體驗實在一般。翻譯是一個問題,對原著的翻譯並不流暢,讀起來有佶屈聱牙之感。當然,另外也許是我自身問題,覺得本身雖然有那麼一些聚焦點,但整體上並不集中,顯得比較散亂和隨意。也即,論點和論證都不凸顯,這是一...
評分這本書值得推薦給所有望子成龍的父母以及即使沒有孩子但仍在思索如何成為精英的人。 本書作者是哥大社會係教授,畢業於聖保羅中學,也曾在該中學任教,因此他有足夠的經驗去觀察分析何為精英教育,精英與普羅大眾的區彆。 聖保羅中學是美國頂尖私立寄宿學校,學生全部去往美國...
評分圖書標籤: 社會學 教育 美國 民族誌 Sociology 社會分層 Ethnography 教育學
本書從"elite school – St. Paul's"齣發,講述瞭美國精英階層如果假藉"meritocracy"之名實現階層的再生産與不平等的延續。從方法上來講,最後一部分的reflection很受用,深刻探討瞭ethnography 如何通過embedded and relational experience來理解社會互動以及日常生活。作者采用多種定性研究方法,深入研究對象,以小見大,體察現象背後社會結構的作用機製。從理論上來說,本書延續布迪厄理論的傳統,巧妙地將cultural capital應用於當代、美國社會,強調distinction不再是掌握high-brow的知識,而是embody cultural omnivorousness以及ease。寫作上,語言生動有趣。
評分寫的還是流暢的,不過相對於這個框架,我更喜歡Class Choreographies。這本書想象力一般。
評分Given what I am experiencing is how those underprivileged students are trained in the same way, sometimes I just can't help interrupting what they are encountering and really feel sorry for almost nothing can I do to comfort them when they experience those upset moments. I don't know how to treat them who has illusions about the great future.
評分研究美國寄宿製高中是如何培養精英的以及探討為什麼美國社會強調“開放”和通過個人努力就能獲得成功的同時,不平等卻依然在增加。關於美國的新精英,不同於舊式精英標榜文化品位和特定的圈子,新精英強調的是一種“ease”的習得(小到如何和教師吃飯,穿著得體,如何和不同階層的人互動)、對不同文化的兼容和瞭解、以及通過個人努力而非傢庭繼承來獲得認可。這種 ease 的習得背後是學校所提供的無數次機會,而這些機會是來自窮人階層的人所無法獲得的。“通過強調個人努力而獲得成功”實際上也是掩蓋瞭 quality 和 character 背後的 condition---機會的提供依賴於財力;而且也使得 inequality 顯得更為隱性。
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