馬可·奧勒留(Marcus Aurelius,公元121—180年),著名的“帝王哲學傢”,古羅馬帝國皇帝,在希臘文學和拉丁文學、修辭、哲學、法律、繪畫方麵受過很好的教育,晚期斯多葛學派代錶人物之一。奧勒留也許是西方曆史上唯一的一位哲學傢皇帝。他是一個比他的帝國更加完美的人,他的勤奮工作最終並沒有能夠挽救古羅馬,但是他的《沉思錄》卻成為西方曆史上的偉大名著。
One measure, perhaps, of a book's worth, is its intergenerational pliancy: do new readers acquire it and interpret it afresh down through the ages? The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, translated and introduced by Gregory Hays, by that standard, is very worthwhile, indeed. Hays suggests that its most recent incarnation--as a self-help book--is not only valid, but may be close to the author's intent. The book, which Hays calls, fondly, a "haphazard set of notes," is indicative of the role of philosophy among the ancients in that it is "expected to provide a 'design for living.'" And it does, both aphoristically ("Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what's left and live it properly.") and rhetorically ("What is it in ourselves that we should prize?"). Whether these, and other entries ("Enough of this wretched, whining monkey life.") sound life-changing or like entries in a teenager's diary is up to the individual reader, as it should be. Hays's introduction, which sketches the life of Marcus Aurelius (emperor of Rome A.D. 161-180) as well as the basic tenets of stoicism, is accessible and jaunty. --H. O'Billovich --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
?The emperor Marcus Aurelius, the proverbial philosopher-king, produced in Greek a Roman manual of piety, the Meditations, whose impact has been felt for ages since. Here, for our age, is his great work presented in its entirety, strongly introduced and freshly, elegantly translated by Gregory Hays for the Modern Library.?
?Robert Fagles -- Review --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
'He has provided Farquharson's text with a lucid introduction, a select bibliography and light but helpful annotation. His selection of letters brings both Fronto and Marcus pleasingly to life.' Times Literary Supplement --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
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再度重讀馬可·奧勒留的《沉思錄》。 17歲那年,在語文課外讀本裏讀到,“屬於身體的一切隻是一道激流,屬於靈魂的隻是一個夢幻,生命是一場戰爭,一個過客的旅居,身後的名聲也迅速落入忘川。”便立即著迷於這般潔淨、高貴的文字。開始尋找他的書,我忘記是哪一年我第一次擁...
評分其實你相信嗎?認真的人注定寂寞,孤獨的人要學會自我溝通。 很多時候,我可以寬容彆人的不善,卻無法原諒自己的惡,因此常常自省。 如果一個人對自己的道德水準有近乎狂熱的完美追求,執著到近乎痛苦,這是清醒還是不悟? 讀《沉思錄》,仿佛在聽一個男人的低聲自語,一個男人...
評分首先這是本有神論, 羅馬那會,一個叫奧勒留的“帝王哲學傢”,關於人生,神明,宇宙,時間的種種思考 心想如果書名惡改為“一個羅馬國王的秘密日記”。。。。會不會激起更多人一探究竟的衝動咧。。 我確信Meditations(英文版)絕對是一本 值得留在身邊反復咀嚼,思考,品味的...
評分“我很煩躁,很煩躁。”最近老看到的這句話。 老Z說,我的體重經久不下,這不是心寬體胖,這叫做壓力肥。 我對於這個新名詞倒是沒怎麼去考究,大傢都一笑而過瞭。而這壓力背後,卻總有一些讓我感慨的東西。一個老師說過的一句話,始終記得。她說:“我這一輩子都在迴首,讀小...
圖書標籤: 哲學 古羅馬 沉思錄 MarcusAurelius 斯多噶學派 英文 斯多葛 奧勒留
In an unsecured world logos works for a greater plan,which is shit for now.Read in Blinkist.
評分repetitive, tedious, didactic; unbearably pompous in his praise of rationality, control, and selflessness; even his metaphors are not creative/insightful...I don't understand why this could be called "introspection." admit that I might have agreed on certain points (especially from Book 9 on) but the style and central ideas really piss me off
評分古羅馬版的“吾日三省吾身”。Marcus Aurelius做為羅馬皇帝能如此謙卑又具有極高的自我覺悟令人欽佩。他感悟齣的很多人生哲理在兩韆年後的今天仍然適用,甚至可以說尤其必要。這是一本需要時不時拿齣來重讀,用來審視自我的著作。
評分tbf this is just notes to self (massive emotional masturbation & positive psyc conditioning that's necessary for survival) so there's not much point rating it...In any case, even the best of us repeat the same goals 100 times over n can't get there. hehe. that's the consolation. 1) stoicism boring 2) fuck the patriarchy
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