Dr. Sönke Ahrens is a writer and researcher in the field of education and social science, author of the award winning book "Experiment and Exploration. Forms of World-Disclosure" (Springer) and university teacher for philosophy of education.
The key to good and efficient writing lies in the intelligent organisation of ideas and notes. This book helps students, academics and nonfiction writers to get more done, write intelligent texts and learn for the long run. It teaches you how to take smart notes and ensure they bring you and your projects forward. The Take Smart Notes principle is based on established psychological insight and draws from a tried and tested note-taking-technique. This is the first comprehensive guide and description of this system in English, and not only does it explain how it works, but also why. It suits students and academics in the social sciences and humanities, nonfiction writers and others who are in the business of reading, thinking and writing. Instead of wasting your time searching for notes, quotes or references, you can focus on what really counts: thinking, understanding and developing new ideas in writing. It does not matter if you prefer taking notes with pen and paper or on a computer, be it Windows, Mac or Linux. And you can start right away.
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I read through the first 9 sections quite slowly and skimmed through the rest. All I can say, before actually carrying out the slip-box method myself, is that the whole idea makes a lot of sense, although I do think the reasoning behind the method, which ac...
評分年少時想從文,最仰慕的就是能旁徵博引的大文人。接觸過的文人當中又以錢鍾書、李敖最令我印象深刻。錢鍾書的天纔幾乎無跡可尋,雖然楊絳提到過他也做瞭大量筆記 [1]。李敖倒是承認自己不是天纔,而是靠方法來整理、記憶知識。第一次看到李敖介紹他怎麼整理知識的時候,驚嘆不...
評分§ Three types of notes: Fleeting notes, Permanent notes and Project notes § Permanent notes, ... are written in a way that can still be understood even when you have forgotten the context they are taken from. - It shoul be written in one's own words, beca...
評分§ Three types of notes: Fleeting notes, Permanent notes and Project notes § Permanent notes, ... are written in a way that can still be understood even when you have forgotten the context they are taken from. - It shoul be written in one's own words, beca...
圖書標籤: 方法論 筆記 學習 學習方法 筆記係統 閱讀 note_taking 認知管理
真希望十年前的自己知道這個方法,其實書中介紹的不隻是記筆記的方法,而是從閱讀(輸入)到記筆記到寫作(輸齣)的整個工作流程!嚴重推薦所有的需要寫論文的或者想要進行個人知識管理的人使用書中推薦的方法,但是並不推薦使用zkn3作為卡片盒工具,推薦使用Roam Research app。讀文獻、書或者任何文章的時候都隨手記筆記,當天晚上用自己的話重新整理這些筆記,每張筆記隻寫一個想法。然後不要糾結筆記的分類,而是把筆記放在和它最相關的筆記旁邊,然後鏈接到卡片盒中其他相關的筆記。然後讓卡片盒中的筆記自下而上地自然生長、連接。等到某個話題積纍瞭足夠多的筆記,便很容易拼搭齣一篇文章瞭。慨嘆自己這些年的很多筆記基本上都被堆在墳墓裏瞭,並沒有發揮它們應有的復利作用。
評分讀書計劃再次宣告失敗。斷斷續續讀瞭一周末隻讀瞭大概三分之二,我猜測讀得慢大概是因為工具書連篇纍牘地讀很乏味不能以最高效率火力全開地讀。確實有很多有趣的見解,slip-box method sounds simple but the whole idea makes a lot of sense,但是能不能work又是另外一碼事瞭。
評分方法特彆好,精髓在於把尋找知識的連結變成一種規律性的pull model,難點當然還是馴化自己。所有類似的書的難點都是馴化自己。
評分最妙的觀點是拿集裝箱的例子來解釋 slip-box notes:原本鬆散的筆記,經過加工之後,成為瞭一個個可以直接拿來用的篇章,如同將鬆散的貨物打包到集裝箱裏,直接吊裝集裝箱就可以快速地裝卸瞭
How to Take Smart Notes 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載