Product Description
Solomon goes beyond the discussion of why people buy things and explores how products, services, and consumption activities contribute to shape people’s social experiences.
Social networking, sensory marketing, illusion of truth effect, interactive mobile marketing, cross-cultural value differences, impression management, doppelganger brand image, red campaign, CSR, low literate consumer, crowdsourcing, and multigenerational marketing.
For marketing professionals to understand the latest trends in consumer behavior.
Consumer Behavior 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
马斯洛需求层次理论: 1. 安全的需要:安全、遮蔽、保护、生理的需要水,睡眠,食物 eg. 保险、报警系统、退休、投资、药品、日常用品、无商标产品 2. 归属的需要:爱、友谊、他人的接受 eg. 服装、装饰品、酒吧、饮料 3. 尊重的需要:声望、地位、成就 eg. 汽车、家具、信用...
评分请懂行的朋友说说这本与人大出的另外一本消费者行为学的区别 那本标了中国版
评分我只说我看到有触动的地方 不喜勿喷 欢迎正能量交流的朋友 流行风格通常源于设计师和商业人士的精心创作 与普通消费者自行发动二者之间的互动 消费者创造风格 以适合他们的需要 能预测并抓住消费者需要的哪些设计师 生产商和经销商将会在市场胜出 没有那个设计师 公司或广告...
评分粗略读了一遍,总的来说,对于消费者行为学从微观到宏观都讲解得很清楚,而且不算很枯燥,每章每节总有很多故事来引入主题,比较易懂 但毕竟是500页的书,看久了会累 建议大家读的速度放慢点,每章开头和结尾有预习和复习的内容,可以很好的帮助学习
图书标签: 营销 商业 市场 心理学 消费者 marketing 英文原版 心理学,市场
迈克尔·所罗门 美国奥本大学人类科学学院消费者研究系教授,曾任新泽西州Rutgers大学商学院营销系主任,拥有北卡罗来纳大学社会心理学博士学位。曾获美国国家“富尔布赖特讲座教授奖”。他是行为科学/时尚类文献方面论文被引用最广的前15位学者之一,也是广告和营销沟通领域最多产的10位研究者之一。
Professor of Consumer Behaviour at The University of Manchester, U.K.
Professor of Marketing and Director, Center for Consumer Research at Saint Joseph's University
Director at Mind/Share, Inc.
Author at Pearson Education (Prentice Hall)
Human Sciences Professor of Consumer Behavior at Auburn University
Chairman at Department of Marketing/Rutgers University
Michael Solomon’s Honors:
Fulright Scholar
Cutty-Sark Men's Fashion Award
The Michael Solomon Best Paper in Consumer Behavior Award, given by the Society for Marketing Advances.
Prentice Hall Distinguished Lecture Award, International Textiles and Apparel Association, November 2001. The award honors recipients who have made outstanding contributions to the field of textiles and apparel.
Ranked #9 most productive author in U.S. advertising journals
Ranked #15 of most cited authors in textile and apparel research literature
Selected to contribute the authoritative definition of fields of study:
· Fashion Psychology: Fashion Encyclopedia, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome, in press.
· Consumer Behavior: Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, Elsevier Ltd., in press.
· Consumer Behavior, Marketing/Branding, Fashion Theory: Fields of Knowledge Infography.
Principal Investigator on grants exceeding $2 million from The U.S. Department of Commerce
Good textbook for undergrads
Consumer Behavior 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书