贾森·弗里德与戴维·海涅迈尔·汉森是美国软件公司Basecamp的创始人。Basecamp原名37signals,是全世界效率最高的软件公司之一,推出并持续维护着世界上最受欢迎的项目管理工具Basecamp。他们始终保持着“小,美,酷”的特征,维持着小团队规 模,三十多个员工分散在世界各地远程办公,是通过远程方式协同工作的典范。弗里德与汉森合著的第一本书《重来》(Rework)高居《纽约时报》畅销书榜前列,书中推崇的管理理念在国内商业领域也产生了巨大影响。
Remote 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
谈谈 《重来2. 远程办公》 孙日日 说明,这是受人所托读的一本书,而且还要写点东西,写点感悟或者认识的东西。 建议正在做管理自己run公司的家伙们,可以考虑远程办公...
评分 评分 评分要是你认为员工很糟糕,他们就会表现得很糟糕。人类“满足低期望值”的能力高极了。如果你确信每个下属都是懒汉,那他们会不遗余力地证明你是对的。如果你认为他们都成熟又能干,即便你不在他们身后盯着,他们也能不断督促自己做到最好,那他们就会用惊喜回报你。 只要工作本...
评分这是站在中国国情的角度来说的,对我个人来说,有些作用,因为我是自由职业者。我所采用的不少工作方式,都是远程协作。 不过,对于大部分企业、大部分人来说,这种方式还是太前卫了点,目前的条件并不算成熟。 相比《重来》,这本书有点注水的感觉,也许是因为专精于远程协...
图书标签: 37signals 远程办公 创业 互联网 管理 团队协作 团队 商业
The “work from home” phenomenon is thoroughly explored in this illuminating new book from bestselling 37signals founders Fried and Hansson, who point to the surging trend of employees working from home (and anywhere else) and explain the challenges and unexpected benefits. Most important, they show why – with a few controversial exceptions such as Yahoo -- more businesses will want to promote this new model of getting things done.
The Industrial Revolution's "under one roof" model of conducting work is steadily declining owing to technology that is rapidly creating virtual workspaces and allowing workers to provide their vital contribution without physically clustering together. Today, the new paradigm is "move work to the workers, rather than workers to the workplace." According to Reuters, one in five global workers telecommutes frequently and nearly ten percent work from home every day. Moms in particular will welcome this trend. A full 60% wish they had a flexible work option. But companies see advantages too in the way remote work increases their talent pool, reduces turnover, lessens their real estate footprint, and improves the ability to conduct business across multiple time zones, to name just a few advantages. In Remote , inconoclastic authors Fried and Hansson will convince readers that letting all or part of work teams function remotely is a great idea--and they're going to show precisely how a remote work setup can be accomplished.
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Remote 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书