Product Description
Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise (1670) is one of the most important philosophical works of the early modern period. In it Spinoza discusses at length the historical circumstances of the composition and transmission of the Bible, demonstrating the fallibility of both its authors and its interpreters. He argues that free enquiry is not only consistent with the security and prosperity of a state but actually essential to them, and that such freedom flourishes best in a democratic and republican state in which individuals are left free while religious organizations are subordinated to the secular power. His Treatise has profoundly influenced the subsequent history of political thought, Enlightenment 'clandestine' or radical philosophy, Bible hermeneutics, and textual criticism more generally. It is presented here in a new translation of great clarity and accuracy by Michael Silverthorne and Jonathan Israel, with a substantial historical and philosophical introduction by Jonathan Israel.
Book Description
Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise (1670) is one of the most important philosophical works of the early modern period. It is presented here in a new translation of great clarity and accuracy by Michael Silverthorne and Jonathan Israel, with a substantial historical and philosophical introduction by Jonathan Israel.
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一切人類問題都是經濟問題,這是句絕對正確的話語。不過最大的經濟問題卻是政治。呂不韋曾經問過父親:務農的迴報是多少?答曰一倍。經商呢?十倍。從政呢?成百上韆倍。於是呂不韋“投資”瞭秦異人,終成大事。以此看來,掌握瞭政治上的力量就是最大經濟利益。 在推翻任何一種...
評分序言 開始好像就是一個結論,但是這個結論讓人覺得直指人心。迷信的由來原來是人身處逆境。在一種順境下的狂妄相比,身處逆境時,或者有病急亂投醫的感覺。接著作者舉瞭一個實例——亞曆山大。 作者論述這些從人(反復於希望與恐懼之間)-大部分人(輕信);從任何人的常識-到...
評分斯賓諾莎《神學政治論》 內容摘要: 序言 斯賓諾莎在序言之初先分析瞭迷信産生及其作用。他認為,“迷信是由恐懼而生,由恐懼維係而後助長的”,故而“謬誤的宗教所崇奉的預兆不過是心在沮喪或懼怕的時候所生的幻影而已”,自然宗教也就成為造成諸多的混亂的根源;因此,寫作...
評分序言 開始好像就是一個結論,但是這個結論讓人覺得直指人心。迷信的由來原來是人身處逆境。在一種順境下的狂妄相比,身處逆境時,或者有病急亂投醫的感覺。接著作者舉瞭一個實例——亞曆山大。 作者論述這些從人(反復於希望與恐懼之間)-大部分人(輕信);從任何人的常識-到...
圖書標籤: 斯賓諾莎 思想史 政治神學論 政治哲學 theology 政治 思想·西學·斯賓諾莎 聽過1遍
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