Like Freakonomics, here is a book that combines counterintuitive thinking with stories from everyday life to provide a striking new view of how our world works. Ever since Einstein's study of Brownian Motion, scientists have understood that a little disorder actually makes systems more effective. But most people still shun disorder--or suffer guilt over the mess they can't avoid. No longer! With a spectacular array of anecdotes and case studies of the useful role mess can play, here is an antidote to the accepted wisdom that tight schedules, neatness, and consistency are the keys to success. Drawing on examples from business, parenting, cooking, the war on terrorism, retail, and even the meteoric career of Arnold Schwarzenegger, coauthors Abrahamson and Freedman demonstrate that moderately messy systems use resources more efficiently, yield better solutions, and are harder to break than neat ones. A Perfect Mess will help readers assess what the right amount of disorder is for a given system, and how to apply these ideas onto a large scale--government, society-- and on a small scale--in your attic, kitchen, or office. A Perfect Mess will forever change the way we think about those unruly heaps of paper on our desks.
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結果,我的確找到瞭!! 以後誰跟我講要收拾屋子,我就推薦她(一般是女生)看這本書! 要曉得混亂的好處:混亂能無形中區分齣常用的和不常用的物品;混亂能節省大把時間、精力用來做更重要的事情;混亂能保持注意力的遲鈍(對生活品質的遲鈍能提高幸福指數),從而感覺不到負...
評分前半段有點強詞奪理的感覺,後半段的案例還可以。也不知道是不是那兩個閤作作者的前後分工。 作者2006年不看漲蘋果,認為蘋果恐怕在iPod之後,後繼乏力。5年之後評判,蘋果顯然並非如此。
評分最近翻瞭2本這種理念類的圖書。總體感覺是沒什麼必要買,特彆是你對這個標題的概念與自己的想法類似的時候就更不需要買瞭,大部分的時候是一種說教,舉齣無數個實例來說服你。看瞭半天沒什麼意思,都是空對空,不過對混亂感到徹底反感的人也許還是有些價值的。 我覺得以後這類...
評分很多人可能都有過這樣的經驗,你對傢裏或者辦公桌上的混亂非常不滿,於是不斷地整理,試圖讓它們變得整潔有序,問題是過不瞭多長時間你就發現一切又迴到從前的混亂狀態,於是又開始新一輪的整理-混亂-整理。。。。。。周而復始,無休無止。 或者在進行整理、試圖讓周圍環境...
評分圖書標籤: Mess 思維 管理 思考 現實與理想 Perfect 個人管理 A
評分feel-good book
評分feel-good book
評分feel-good book
A Perfect Mess 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載