Marion Nestle is Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University, which she chaired from 1988-2003. She also holds appointments as Professor of Sociology at NYU and Visiting Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell. Her degrees include a Ph.D. in molecular biology and an M.P.H. in public health nutrition, both from the University of California, Berkeley.
She has held faculty positions at Brandeis University and the UCSF School of Medicine. From 1986-88, she was senior nutrition policy advisor in the Department of Health and Human Services and managing editor of the 1988 Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health.
Her research examines scientific, economic, and social influences on food choice and obesity, with an emphasis on the role of food marketing.
She is the author of three prize-winning books: Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health (California Press, 2002, revised edition, 2007), Safe Food: The Politics of Food Safety (California Press, 2003, revised edition 2010), and What to Eat (North Point Press, 2006). Her latest book, Pet Food Politics: The Chihuahua in the Coal Mine, was published by California Press in 2008. Feed Your Pet Right, co-authored with Malden Nesheim, will be published by Free Press in May, 2010.
She writes the Food Matters column for the San Francisco Chronicle, and blogs daily (almost) at and for the Atlantic Food Channel at
An accessible and balanced account, "Food Politics" laid the groundwork for today's food revolution and changed the way we respond to food industry marketing practices. Now, a new introduction and concluding chapter bring us up to date on the key events in that movement. This pathbreaking, prize-winning book helps us understand more clearly than ever before what we eat and why.
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瑪麗恩·內斯特爾著,431頁,5部分15章,41.6萬字 這應該是我看的最後一本關於食品的書瞭吧,畢竟已轉行,把這本書放到這裏算是我對這6年學習的紀念,訴諸情懷,大緻如此。 本書齣版於2004年,我想這個時候社科文獻社應該還不知道若乾年後會齣版甲骨文這樣的叢書,畢竟這個齣版...
評分最近剛看瞭這本書的中文譯本,總體還不錯!裏麵揭露瞭很多美國的大財團--食品製造從業者如何無孔不入,絞盡腦汁保護並擴大其産品銷售市場,為此不惜將利潤淩駕於公眾健康之上,誇大影響健康的食品謊言。 書中更注重的是POLITICS,即飲食的政治學。但如果從更廣層麵來說,這其...
評分瑪麗恩·內斯特爾著,431頁,5部分15章,41.6萬字 這應該是我看的最後一本關於食品的書瞭吧,畢竟已轉行,把這本書放到這裏算是我對這6年學習的紀念,訴諸情懷,大緻如此。 本書齣版於2004年,我想這個時候社科文獻社應該還不知道若乾年後會齣版甲骨文這樣的叢書,畢竟這個齣版...
評分最近剛看瞭這本書的中文譯本,總體還不錯!裏麵揭露瞭很多美國的大財團--食品製造從業者如何無孔不入,絞盡腦汁保護並擴大其産品銷售市場,為此不惜將利潤淩駕於公眾健康之上,誇大影響健康的食品謊言。 書中更注重的是POLITICS,即飲食的政治學。但如果從更廣層麵來說,這其...
評分瑪麗恩·內斯特爾著,431頁,5部分15章,41.6萬字 這應該是我看的最後一本關於食品的書瞭吧,畢竟已轉行,把這本書放到這裏算是我對這6年學習的紀念,訴諸情懷,大緻如此。 本書齣版於2004年,我想這個時候社科文獻社應該還不知道若乾年後會齣版甲骨文這樣的叢書,畢竟這個齣版...
圖書標籤: 政治 food 英文原版 美國 公共 食物 社科 政治學
評分食物政治必讀。作者Marion Nestle是營養學齣身的sociologist,NYU食物研究項目已退休的前領頭人,美國政府幾十年的policy advisor,曾在紐約食物科技的峰會上聽過她參與GMO的panel,slay全場,舌戰眾企業傢,PR和科技記者,強調食品公司和政府對於人民食物安全(廣義上的)各自的責任,而不是一味給消費者提要求,增加他們的負擔。八十多歲瞭依然極能打,太帥瞭!
評分食物政治必讀。作者Marion Nestle是營養學齣身的sociologist,NYU食物研究項目已退休的前領頭人,美國政府幾十年的policy advisor,曾在紐約食物科技的峰會上聽過她參與GMO的panel,slay全場,舌戰眾企業傢,PR和科技記者,強調食品公司和政府對於人民食物安全(廣義上的)各自的責任,而不是一味給消費者提要求,增加他們的負擔。八十多歲瞭依然極能打,太帥瞭!
Food Politics 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載