2004年完成第二版修訂,增補瞭2/3的內容,同年被國際專業廚師學會(IACP)及餐飲界權威詹姆士·比爾基金會(James Beard Foundation)評選為最佳食物類參考用書;
2005年,美國美食雜誌Bon Appétit 推舉哈洛德·馬基為年度美食作傢;
哈洛德·馬基的其他著作包括The World Book Encyclopedia、Nature、Food&Wine、Fine Cooking。他目前還擔任《紐約時報》的專欄作傢。
Harold McGee's On Food and Cooking is a kitchen classic. Hailed by Time magazine as "a minor masterpiece" when it first appeared in 1984, On Food and Cooking is the bible to which food lovers and professional chefs worldwide turn for an understanding of where our foods come from, what exactly they're made of, and how cooking transforms them into something new and delicious. Now, for its twentieth anniversary, Harold McGee has prepared a new, fully revised and updated edition of On Food and Cooking. He has rewritten the text almost completely, expanded it by two-thirds, and commissioned more than 100 new illustrations. As compulsively readable and engaging as ever, the new On Food and Cooking provides countless eye-opening insights into food, its preparation, and its enjoyment. On Food and Cooking pioneered the translation of technical food science into cook-friendly kitchen science and helped give birth to the inventive culinary movement known as "molecular gastronomy." Though other books have now been written about kitchen science, On Food and Cooking remains unmatched in the accuracy, clarity, and thoroughness of its explanations, and the intriguing way in which it blends science with the historical evolution of foods and cooking techniques. Among the major themes addressed throughout this new edition are: Traditional and modern methods of food production and their influences on food quality The great diversity of methods by which people in different places and times have prepared the same ingredients Tips for selecting the best ingredients and preparing them successfully The particular substances that give foods their flavors and that give us pleasure Our evolving knowledge of the health benefits and risks of foods On Food and Cooking is an invaluable and monumental compendium of basic information about ingredients, cooking methods, and the pleasures of eating. It will delight and fascinate anyone who has ever cooked, savored, or wondered about food.
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評分最開始知道這套書,是來自雨前羽街的推薦。 三本一套,買迴來有一段時間瞭,最近纔開始翻看,很有啓發。 剛看完第一章乳與乳製品,就忍不住來豆瓣寫書評瞭。 讓我想想,該怎麼推薦這本書呢。 不知道你是不是和我一樣,喜歡自己下廚,喜歡烘焙,喜歡“愛和自由”的美食博客,...
評分這本書還沒有齣中譯版的時候,我就一直想讀,可真正拿起這書,還是等中譯版齣瞭後,中文英文也纔都收瞭。中間讀瞭一堆書評,還問瞭不少人。對於“大書”我是有恐懼感的,總覺得自己買書太多,讀書太少。一本本的未讀完的書壓在那裏,壓力超級大。 讀這本書的那幾天,書隨身帶...
圖書標籤: 烹飪 飲食 美食 料理 廚房 原版書 Food 營養
這本書第二次看瞭..第一次看發現裏麵有很多化學原理實際講錯瞭.模棱兩可的地方很多..但書的結構框架很好 不失為一本優秀的參考書。最近朋友介紹瞭個小眾軟件用瞭幾天膝蓋要碎..然後整瞭個database打算逐條修理逐條考證..今天下午翻瞭一遍+每個點都創建瞭條目...希望1個月以內修完。開頭並不順利..傢裏來人打擾瞭..
評分#pdf# 邊看邊操作更實用啊
評分This book is simply amazing! I want to digest every word and become a food encyclopedia.
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