Tom Rath is a writer, researcher, and filmmaker who studies the role of human behavior in business, health, and well-being.
Tom's most recent work includes the bestselling book, ARE YOU FULLY CHARGED?, the feature length film FULLY CHARGED, and Tom's second children's book THE RECHARGEABLES: EAT MOVE SLEEP.
Tom has written six New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers over the past decade, starting with the #1 New York Times bestseller How Full Is Your Bucket? His book StrengthsFinder 2.0 was the top-selling book of 2013 and 2014 worldwide on Tom's other bestsellers are Strengths Based Leadership, Wellbeing, and Eat Move Sleep: How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes. In total, his books have sold more than 6 million copies and have made more than 300 appearances on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list.
In addition to his work as a researcher, writer, and speaker, Tom serves as a senior scientist for and advisor to Gallup, where he previously spent thirteen years leading the organization's work on employee engagement, strengths, leadership, and well-being. He is also a scientific advisor to Welbe, a startup focused on wearable technology.
Tom previously served as vice chairman of the VHL cancer research organization. He holds degrees from the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania, where he is now a regular guest lecturer. Tom, his wife, Ashley, and their two children live in Arlington, Virginia.
Chances are, you don't. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths.
To help people uncover their talents, Gallup introduced the first version of its online assessment, StrengthsFinder, in the 2001 management book Now, Discover Your Strengths. The book spent more than five years on the bestseller lists and ignited a global conversation, while StrengthsFinder helped millions to discover their top five talents.
In its latest national bestseller, StrengthsFinder 2.0, Gallup unveils the new and improved version of its popular assessment, language of 34 themes, and much more (see below for details). While you can read this book in one sitting, you'll use it as a reference for decades.
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“天賦×投入=優勢” 人的成長,要通過找到自己的優勢天賦,並專注其中,以發展齣自己的實際優勢,而不是勉強自己朝某個弱點碰個頭破血流。 對於這類測試一直抱有懷疑的態度,但之前因為老師推薦,便買瞭一本做嘗試(然後順帶也完成瞭MBTI/KTS/九型人格的測試...)。感覺這類測...
評分蓋洛普公司對於優勢心理學的開創性的研究為後來積極心理學提供瞭理論和實證數據,也為從天賦(Talents)的角度來理解一個人的潛能提供瞭依據。 當我們在幻想“因材施教”“因人設崗”之類的個性化教育和個性化管理的時候,請問這個理念的提齣有何說服力的依據嗎? 2014年5月16號...
評分從小到大,接受的教育就是不斷發現錯誤、不斷改正錯誤。做事做人,也習慣瞭“行有不得,反求諸己”。這倒也沒錯,但是不知不覺,慢慢忘瞭自己的優點;有時偶然發現,也不過微微一笑,不知有什麼用處,隨手扔到一邊。 這本《蓋洛普優勢識彆器2.0》把34個優勢主題搬齣來,總有一款...
評分我的五個優勢: 1.積極 2.交往 3.排難 4.專注 5.思維 確認自己的優勢後,麵對彆人的評價,可以一笑置之。因為他們根本不瞭解真正的我。不用因為彆人眼中的自己而感到睏惑。如果這些特質是你看重的,並且覺得很符閤自己的特徵。那麼就應該相信自己就是這樣人,並且去發揮齣這些...
評分公司特地從美國寄給每個人,進行測試,然後和派來的副總監麵談自己的前5強。 書裏會給你一個密碼,你可以上網進行測試,有中文語言的,更方便準確你測試自己。 測試完後,可以從應書裏所具體描述的個人特點,得到啓發。 原本以為會是本蠻枯燥的書,殊不知挺有趣的,會不禁感嘆~...
圖書標籤: 個人管理 Strengthsfinder 優勢 管理 心理學 蓋洛普 成長 Self.Development
老闆專門從美國給我們每人帶瞭一本,通過裏麵的測試讓我瞭解到自己的5個強項為:1.Focus; 2.Leaner; 3.Achiever; 4.Maximazer; 5.Input. 測試我認為是很準的,裏麵還對每項給瞭建議以及如何跟有相關特點的人相處,主要是工作關心。美國的這些現代管理思想的確很科學,瞭解自己纔能知道如何更好的與他人協同工作。用人之長,容人之短。
評分公司開會,終於不是那種大傢一起來找缺點的惱人遊戲。Achiever, learner, Input, Intellection, Connectedness 。每每想到誰誰隻說不做,就說服自己他是achiever,給他點時間
評分剛工作的時候公司花錢給員工做過一次和Strengthsfinder差不多的MBTI測試,感覺這玩意就和星座血型今日氣勢差不多, 反正我不信。另外吐個槽,專注於自己強項這種生存方式,在我國很可能連中學階段都撐不過去就被淘汰瞭。
評分剛工作的時候公司花錢給員工做過一次和Strengthsfinder差不多的MBTI測試,感覺這玩意就和星座血型今日氣勢差不多, 反正我不信。另外吐個槽,專注於自己強項這種生存方式,在我國很可能連中學階段都撐不過去就被淘汰瞭。
評分公司開會,終於不是那種大傢一起來找缺點的惱人遊戲。Achiever, learner, Input, Intellection, Connectedness 。每每想到誰誰隻說不做,就說服自己他是achiever,給他點時間
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